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Vomitting and Imminant Death
Alcohol - Hard
Citation:   pinkfloyder. "Vomitting and Imminant Death: An Experience with Alcohol - Hard (exp55444)". Mar 11, 2018.

T+ 0:00
2 shots oral Alcohol - Hard (liquid)
  T+ 0:05 2 shots oral Alcohol - Hard (liquid)
  T+ 0:10 2 shots oral Alcohol - Hard (liquid)
  T+ 0:00 2 shots oral Alcohol - Hard (liquid)
I am 15, 6 foot 1 inch and 170 lbs at the time, pretty in shape. School has started and this report is about a night a short way into this last summer. So far I have done pot like 10 time, mabey some other drugs but they're not what this is about, and gotten drunk 4 or 5 times but none of the times as bad as this.

It was a boring night, I had nothing to do no friends to go out with, so I decided to open my parents cabinet and look for something to drink. I dont drink or smoke very often at all, its an occasional thing that I usually look forward to, or only do with certain people. I looked in the cabinet and the bottle with the most content was a huge bottle of 80 proof whiskey, so I took it down, and since there were no shot glasses, and I didnt know any good mixed drinks for whiskey, I got out drinking glasses that are used for water. I put a little more than 2 shots in the cup, held my nose (I hate the taste of alcohol), and gulped it down in 2 full gulps.

I got the normal warm belly, slight numbness, heavy feeling, I was buzzed. I only waited for about 5 minutes (its takes a little longer than that usually with me for it to fully take place. So dissapointed I filled the drinking glass up again and put another 2 shots and gulped them down (ugh!). The blurred vision, swaying, displacment from the world around me started to kick in but I didnt give it full time and another 5 mins and another 2 shots.

By now I was really fucked up, I was watching tv and having a hell of a time so what the hell why not another 2 shots. I went and got another 2 shots and gulped them down. That was the worst thing possible as I soon found out. So I went my marry way back to the couch and tv, bumping into many things along the way, and all of the sudden I started to feel sick. It escalated quickly so I grabbed a bag (to throw up in) and ran outside (in the house my parents can hear ANYTHING from the living room so if I threw up they would definitly come to see if I was ok.

I got outside and here begins the worst time of my life. It happened to be raining and its was like 3 in the morning and I was sitting outside in my boxers in the rain on a recycling bin throwing up in the bag. It wasnt bad that bad until I started to think I was going to die. There was no logic behind that thought just that I thought that a human could not endure what I was going through and survive. The alcohol was kicking in hard now and everything started to blurr. I had no idea what was going on, I was throwing up like crazy, and I sat in the rain getting drenched. I found a dry spot (very hard to do when that drunk) and I dont remember much of what happened after that. The last thing I remember was there was a roach that crawled on my foot and I was so drunk that I had trouble getting it off. I remember going inside later and taking a shower and thats about it. I have no idea what time I went to bed or how long I had been throwing up. But I didnt have much of a hangover which makes me think I got it all out. I've always had fun when I drink with others even if I get sick, but I've only gotten drunk like 5 times like I said.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 55444
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 11, 2018Views: 1,313
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Alcohol - Hard (198) : General (1), Difficult Experiences (5), Alone (16)

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