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24 Beafterthats
Citation:   Anonymous. "24 Beafterthats: An Experience with LSD (exp5553)". Jan 17, 2002.

2 hits oral LSD (liquid)
This is one experience that taught me to take all things in moderation. This was not a bad trip, but had some negative aftereffects that put me in my place as far as drugs go.

It was new years. All of my friends were on Christmas break and had some free time. My friend was living in a house her family owned, and over the two week span that we had off, It had become a fairly well known party house. But on new year's eve, we wanted to have a private party. There had suddenly been a large flow of acid into my small town, and a group of us (6) wanted to get some. We all had two cubes, exept for two people, who had 1 and 1/2 by sharing.

We had all decided to take them at midnight, after going to another actual new years party. This means that none of us had slept in about 13 hours or so when we took them. We had spent a large portion of the day setting up shiny things (glowsticks tied to a rotating fan, shattered glowsticks in the shower stall, etc), and there were 2 or 3 trip sitters there just hanging out. We didn't really do anything at first, just kind of sat around sucking up that 'MAN OH MAN, WOW, THIS IS GONNA BE INTENSE' feeling that vibrates up my spine when I take something like acid. We did stuff in preparation. Eating a bunch of vitamin C pills and buying red bull for when we started to peak, mainly.

Eventually, it started to kick in. We smoked some pot about then, but we smoked it in the closet, as it seemed like a good idea at the time. The next few hours mainly consisted of the six of us rolling around my friends house, soaking up color and bizarre thought patterns. I remember that we had a bright orange boa, some 'juice' (highlighter and glowstick fluid put into a full water bottle) next to the small blacklight. We also took full advantage of the previously mentioned shower. Now, to a person not fucked up, the shower was still pretty neat: Multicolored glowstick innards sprayed around, giving the impression of a small nebula. However, the 6 of us were not even prepared for the shower when we were on acid. We grabbed all of the neat stuff we had in the living room, and made a druggie caravan into the bathroom.

We al stood in awe at the little universe in the shower, all huddled together holding a blacklight, a strobelight and each other very close to it. We had experimented with having a person go in the shower, and it was quite an experience. We wer not satisfied yet, though. It was only a brief time before the shower was turned on, and the strobelight hung in 'Ben's' hand, only inches away from the water. Luckily, Craig had a sudden thought, 'shiny + shiny = BAD!', and as messed up as it sounds, it's what saved us from being electrocuted.

This is where my story turns from an adolescent ranting about how messed up he and his friends were, to a story of the maddening comedown.

There was a lot of neat stuff happening, but then we all realized the sun was coming up. I wasn't sure about everyone else, but I was still tripping hard. I had had enough. I wanted to come back to reality, or as I put it at the time, I wanted 'my lefts, rights, ups and downs back.' Everyone else decided to go for a walk to see the sun rise, but I was not ready to go out in public like I was, so I told them I was going to stay at the house. They weren't thrilled with the though of me being left to my own devices at this stage, but they left anyways.

I was alone.

All of the trip sitters had long since fallen asleep. For at least an hour, I kept moving. First, I tore down all of the shiny things we had set up, because I didn't ever want to see them again. I turned off the music we had been playing all night, cleaned the shower, and turned all of the lights off. There was a dim natural light throughout the entire house, so turning the lights off made things a lot more serene in the house.

There was absolute silence.

I kept trying to sleep, and ended up lying on every bed and couch in the entire house. I kept getting lost in thought; a horrible circular logic. I would close my eyes to try and sleep, but my mind was buzzing. There was no more hallucination, only an intense stupification. I felt really dirty. The entire time my friends were on their walk, all I could think was 'I hope they get back soon', over and over. As terrible as this sounds, I'm still glad that I didn't leave the house with them, I couldn't have handled it.

When they all got back, it was probably about 8:00 am. Throughout the day, some people left, and the rest of us were just trying to deal with what we had all experienced. Strange recollections of gibberish we had spouted earlier haunted us all ('What the hell is a beafterthat?').

Through the following week, I felt that I was changed. Different in some inconceivable way; and on some nights of that first week, I would go into the bathroom and cry for no reason. Craig said the same thing, even the crying thing. It was a lifechanging experience. Definitely for the better, but there are negative shadows hanging over me now. Acid was fun, wild and philosophical, but I don't think I could handle taking it more than once every two or three years, if even that.

*By the way, a beafterthat is when you can't get out of a thought. The circular logic thing. This may not make sense to anyone, but it's fun to share :)

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 5553
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 17, 2002Views: 9,088
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