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Feeling of Ecstasy and Comatose
Citation:   The Experimenter. "Feeling of Ecstasy and Comatose: An Experience with Hydrocone (exp55566)". Jan 4, 2020.

T+ 0:00
15 mg oral Hydrocodone (pill / tablet)
  T+ 0:35 5 mg oral Hydrocodone (pill / tablet)
T-0:00 15mg
T-0:35 5mg

My sister was dancing and happened to break her finger,
This for me ment some good medication might enter our house.
However sad that sounds, I waited till she was off them and she had 11 left.
I was really excited to see that it was hydrocone vicodin and due to the fact I have never used a medication for recriational use I thought I'd give it a try. (and at the time I strained my hamstring so it sounded that much better)

T-0:00 After assesing my body wieght with some of the other users I decided to take three.

T-0:15 Already I start to feel a bit euphoric and surges' of endorphins going through my arms and lower back, Gorillaz sounds amazing

T-0:30 I'm starting to feel wierd pressure where the pain in my leg was and wondered if it was even going to help that but I tryed not to think about that. A friend called and said happy birthday and I suddenly felt so comfortable talking to her, I figured a lot out that I didnt know yet I kept catching myself starting to talk a bit flusy and spacious.

T-0:35 wanted it to get more intense so I took another, once I did I realized I was no where close to my peak.

T-0:45 BAAAAMMMM!! Suddenly I felt something vagly similer to rolling so I closed my eyes and moved like smooth motion to the music, I knew that I was apart of the music and it took took control of my body. (wearing shoes is nice because I cant feel my feet, thinking it's that much more of living breathing movement)

T-0:50 Here the peak is, no longer am I euphoric but instead comotose, almost like an amazing high with an uknowing twist. I sit down on my couch and stare at my shoe, the entire room around me is fading black, light, dark, wavy, and most intresting was a effect like a t.v. With no signel. My body felt like it was being molded like playdoh being squished. Even odder when I closed my eyes my mind told me my legs were involentarilly moving back and forth a couple inches. When I opened them the sensation stopped. I learned from that, next time, remain eyes closed.

T-1:05 I want to see what else will happen so I go outside and look at the grass, the wind was blowing on it so it looked like the grass was pulsating back and forth. Reminding myself to blink was an intresting effect, I just wanted to stare because every move the earth made my body sent waves through it. Imagine, everytime the grass moves its almost as though my entire body is producing little repeditive orgasms.

T-1:30 Coming down wasnt depressing or unsatisfying as I thought, exceot for about 10 minutes felt slightly nausous. I continued to feel rubbery until 7.

The entire experience was such a new feeling that I can see why people would easily get addicted.

Drug Rating: 9 of 10, AWSOME!
If lasted longer I would say comparable to ex.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 55566
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 4, 2020Views: 1,290
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Hydrocodone (111) : First Times (2), Glowing Experiences (4), Various (28)

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