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Dissociative Amnesia for 3 hours
LSD, Salvia divinorum (35x extract)
Citation:   Delysid. "Dissociative Amnesia for 3 hours: An Experience with LSD, Salvia divinorum (35x extract) (exp55571)". Jun 9, 2007.

1 hit   LSD  
  1 hit smoked Salvia divinorum (extract)
About two months ago, I decided to combine a massive dose of 35x salvia with one hit of good acid. So, right when I was peaking, I took the hit of salvia. I was instantly 5-10 mins ahead. The last thing I remembered was a large fractaline, mirrorlike, shield in front of me. Slowly but surely, it rearranged itself into my normal vision. I forgot everything I had ever learned. My memory for language came back rather quickly. All of my life's memories...gone. I didn't know who I was, nor anyone else in the room, and no idea how I got there. I went around, asking my tripping friend about my life. 'How often do I do this? How long have I known you? How did we meet?'

At this point, I was in the strangest and most fucked up of all places in my mind, tripping BALLS! Not sure that I can quite describe it. I'll never touch salvia ever again. The amnesia took about 3 hours to end and start to remember things again. This was the worst experience of my life. Later on, we went out to the beach during a tropical storm (the plan the whole time), where I had one of my best trips. The raging sea during a tropical storm while you are way out on a pier with waves crashing onto it is a very very amazing experience. So I got the worst and the best out of one trip. I'm never smoking salvia again. Maybe acid, but never salvia. I'm really not too enthusiastic about acid either, now.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 55571
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 9, 2007Views: 8,131
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Salvia divinorum (44) : Combinations (3), Unknown Context (20)

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