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Never Been So High
Citation:   Johnboye. "Never Been So High: An Experience with Cannabis (exp55734)". Nov 30, 2019.

  repeated smoked Cannabis (plant material)
The first time I had smoked marijuana on my friends porch in the afternoon I barely felt anything, other than a feeling of anticipation which seemed to last 5 hours (which was probably the only affect I had). Later that night, two of my friends and I had smoked 3.5 grams throughout the course of this party (in which I had smoked the most), but I wasn't sure if I had any effects from the drug or if was alcohol (I laugh allot when I'm drunk).

The second time I had smoked I laughed real hard. I had never had such a giggle fit in my entire life. It's the best way to describe it. It was my birthday and my friend had said that what we were smoking was some pretty good stuff. We were playing an online game and he was killing his teammates, which I found to be hilarious. I only felt like I was in a good mood and was laughing (where now when I smoke, laughter seems to be a rare effect).

Though I may have had mild effects my first two times, I have never felt more high than my third time, which a friend told me, 'my third time was my time too'.

It was around 7:00 and my friend called me (we'll call him J) and invited me to come over our other friends house (and call him M). He picked me up and we got over there probably about an half an hour later. Not long after we got there we went outside and smoked a bowl. J and M told me to hold my breath after each hit and swallow spit and hold it in as long as possible (basically taught me how to actually smoke). After we finished we went inside and I sat down on M's lazyboy and started watching tv. J began explaining how mad he was that M wasn't breaking the stuff up when he smoked it and started cutting some up to smoke a blunt. I remember watching tv while they talked but I had trouble concentrating on what M was doing in his kitchen, and everytime I tried to talk to him I would either lose intrest, feel too lazy to ask, or start laughing. Law and Order came on and my friend began making fun of it, and I couldn't stop laughing. I had never heard anything so funny in my entire life. I could barely concentrate on what was going on, and when I managed to stop laughing, I would just look back and J would already be looking at me and I would start laughing again. This continued for a few minutes and it seemed like it began to wear off.

Not long after we went outside again (probably around 8, it was starting to get dark), and smoked the blunt J had been working on. I found it was much easier to hit from and I was taking really big hits, which I found very difficult to hold in. Towards the end I started coughing real hard. I felt like I was choking every time I took a hit and coughing felt good but it wasn't enough. I cough very loud, and my friends were getting very paranoid about it, but I found it very difficult to stop.

After that we went inside and everything was hilarious. All I can remember was sitting on J's couch laughing so hard with my eyes closed, and I'd open my eyes and realize where I was. It was nuts! Then all of the sudden I thought I was pissing my pants. I got real paranoid and felt that maybe they had noticed and weren't saying anything. I felt I couldn't check because they would notice and would think what was I doing if they didn't notice. It seriously felt like warm water around my private area and my thighs. I swear it was like I was pissing my pants. Finally I just went to the bathroom, saw that I had not, and could barely manage to even tinkle. I then thought that mabye I had smoked my penis numb. Though I thought thats what it could be, when I sat back down the same thing happened and I again had to feel my pants to dismiss the idea that I was indeed peeing my pants.

The feeling of urinating myself was the only negative I have ever experience from smoking marijuana (aside from headaches and coughing), and I only experienced it that time.

I'm not sure what time it was, but it was dark and a game was on, maybe around nine, but we went outside and smoked a bowl. This time it was just too much. Half way into it I began telling them to skip me every other time and eventually I told them I just couldn't smoke anymore. After we got back inside I sat back down on the couch, and we all laughed non stop. I remember they called another friend of ours (we'll call him N), and he was watching the game with us trying to talk to us about it, but we were just laughing so hard. Everything was so funny. Everytime I would try to make eye contact with someone I would laugh so hard. At one point N asked 'How much did you guys smoke!' and we laughed so hard it was crazy. I have never laughed so hard in my entire life. As before, I would go into this laughing state where it felt like I was falling through the couch. I would then quickly snap out of it and manage to open my eyes (still laughing) and realize where I was again. At that point I mentioned Monty Python and the Holy grail and M left the room for a few minutes and came back with it. Though I can't remember the movie, I remember being in that state of 'falling' and laughing non-stop through the hole thing till we got about third of the way through it and someone put the game back on.

I found the game to be extremely boring. By then it had felt like most of the drugs effects had worn off. I was only left with a feeling of 'different' and slow. Not too long after, J and N went to their houses, and I slept over at M's house.

I consider this my first time smoking weed because I had barely any effects from the substance my first two times. I have heard from several people that they got 'really high' their third time from little smoking. I think that me introducing the drug enough to my body and the amount I smoked really attributed to how I felt. Since then I haven't been able to reach the same effects, either because I have to smoke a large amount, or I just dont have good quality pot. But it was my third time that really got me to go out and start buying my own stuff.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 55734
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 30, 2019Views: 720
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Cannabis (1) : General (1), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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