6 & 1/2 Minutes Of Fighting To Stay Coherent
Salvia divinorum (5X Extract)
Citation:   Beginner's Luck. "6 & 1/2 Minutes Of Fighting To Stay Coherent: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (5X Extract) (exp55826)". Erowid.org. Jan 11, 2018. erowid.org/exp/55826

.25 tsp smoked Salvia divinorum (extract - 5x)
Elapsed Time 0:00 Begin Inhalation: No effects

Elapsed Time 0:12 Completed Inhalation: No Effects

Elapsed Time 0:36 Exhalation: No effects

Elapsed Time 0:53 Onset of effects, confusion, distortion of spatial relationships, time and emotion.

Elapsed Time 1:02 Paresthesia in left side of face and head. Distortions in sense of equilibrium. Impression of balancing between 2 magnetic fields.

Elapsed Time 1:17 Increased sensation of hearing, paresthesia enveloping entire body, awareness withdrawn internally, visual stimulus not processed logically, able to discern outside images with effort.

Elapsed Time 1:29 Peak of experience, spacial and impressional hallucinations, mild dissociation, amplification of childhood memories and impressions, psychelelic effects such as visual processing of sensations. Paresthesia and emotional distortions continuous. Other syptoms of stimulation of prefrontal cortex such as laughter, radical changes in perception, and altered executive function. Anxiety.

Elapsed Time 3:36 Decline of experience, logical thought processing and comprehension of situation increasing, fading of paresthesia and other effects. Anxiety decreasing with memory that effect is short-lived.

Elapsed Time 3:52 Noticeable decline, linear decline of effects and return of normal functions.

Elapsed Time 6:30 Complete cessation of effects.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 55826
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 11, 2018Views: 759
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Salvia divinorum (44) : General (1), Alone (16)

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