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Mild in the End
Citation:   yakman12. "Mild in the End: An Experience with Ether (exp55896)". Erowid.org. Jun 15, 2020. erowid.org/exp/55896

300 ml inhaled Noopept (gas)
I first heard of Ether in the infamous movie 'Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas'I decided it seemed like an interesting drug, so I went to a harm reduction website and read the various reports on the subject. After much hesitation I decided to try the substance for myself. I'm a university student, so getting someone to obtain some Ether from the chemistry department was relatively easy. I obtained roughly 300ml of pure di-ethyl ether. After one bored study free night at home, I poured a small amount of Ether into a clean rag and began inhaling, basically I pressed my nose hard up against the rag and breathed in (through my nose) as fast as I could. At fist all I felt was a burning sensation in my nose, but after multiple huffs I began to feel extremely dizzy, it was not at all an unpleasent feeling, just very strange, I then poured more into the rag and continued to inhale until the entire 300ml was finished.

The best way I can describe what I felt from Ether,is a dizzying euphoric sensation. The main thing I noticed during the experience was any sounds around me seemed to sound like a multiple echo, every sound would echo again and again, very strange but all together a fairly mild affect.

I spent 15 minutes huffing the Ether and feeling the affects. After the dizzy sensations and odd sounds passed, I simply felt a little light headed. I would personally think Ether felt very similar to nitrous oxide, but lasted a little longer. Overall I have no real wish to try Ether again, and I certainly did not experience any hallucinations like some people seem to have. It was an interesting experience but not really worth the foul smell it leaves in the room and the lingering taste in my mouth.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 55896
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 15, 2020Views: 1,395
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Ether (131) : First Times (2), Unknown Context (20)

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