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Being Taught My World
Salvia divinorum
Citation:   AcidFear. "Being Taught My World: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (exp55916)". Sep 1, 2017.

1 hit smoked Salvia divinorum (extract - 5x)
  1 hit smoked Salvia divinorum (extract - 5x)
Hello friends, if i may. I'd like to rewrite my just occuring salvia trip. May i say this trip was none like no other that i've experienced thus far. This trip was more insitefull than the others.

Let me begin with the basics:

Time: 10:22am
Room had been cleaned up before trip, neat, organized. Pulled shades down but left window open. It's a nice sunny day out, barley any noise besides comforting natures. I had put a blanket under the closed door for obvious reasons.

Extremly nervous. Previous trips hadn't shown much of what to expect. Had enough salvia (I believe) to get me a nice trip.

Torch lighter (unlike other trips)
Homemade water bong (unlike other 2 trips as those were with bowls)
No other distractions in the room
5x extract salvia

Lets begin:
I was pretty paranoid, yes paranoid due to the fact of not knowing what to truly expect. I knew enough that it would be nothing like 20X extract which I can estimate would be nothing =I could imagine compared to my first two occurrences with 5x extract. That would roughly estimate to out of this world.

I expected hallucinations based on other peoples experiences, but that's about it. I knew that this plant was special, and that is what had added the fear of this plant. But I was extremely curious at the same time.

I took my Shpongle cd, put it in the stereo next to my bed. Volume was level 8 (pretty low). Was afraid music would become a distraction at high volumes. The song was 'Dorcet Perceptions'. One of my favorites from Shpongle. I sat on the side of my bed holding the bong filled with salvia, torch lighter in hand, music playing low.

I breathed deeply trying to calm myself down, but the lough thumping of my heart greatly deepened the fear and curiosity. So, like jumping off something high, I just went with it. Lit it, took one huge hit clearing the bong and held it in.

I laid back on my bed with my eyes closed, but wasn't completely dark due to the brightness outside. Was not to uncomfortable. This mindset I had was more to explore the greatness of this plant, rather than just wanting to hallucinate.

My heart was still pounding loud. I had forgotten to start counting so when I began, I heald it in for 20 seconds. Breathed out.

Nothing yet. I knew it would take a little longer than a couple of seconds, from my first 2 pre-trials. Then, nothing drastic happened. Eyes still closed. I wasn't as scared, but that heavy feeling I got started to creep. I was excited and then afraid. I was afraid because of one of the 'not so fun' trips I had'. But then, I suddenly just forgot about it. I opened my eyes no hallucinations. Everything just looked so happy. Somewhat like a low dose on shrooms, but different. As if there was a teacher present watchin me grow. I felt safe and comfortable.

I closed my eyes a couple of times just to see if I would hallucinate at all, not expecting much, and I didn't really see anything but colorful darkness ('?').

My next thought was to smoke 1 more hit if there was anything left. I took a hit of what was left, waited and then decided a little while later to smoke the rest that was in the bag. There wasn't much, if anything that seemed to add to the trip. I then sat back down on my bed and just watched. I saw what was my room but as another level in some life I used to live. I started to think a lot of my old trips, thinking that the teacher had thrown them upon me. I started to think deeply of a night I had completly forgotten. I was shocked in a mental way but my body just sat there. My eyes opened, or rather third eye. It had been the 'actual' second trip of salvia I had taken from a glass bowl. My 'bad trip' had been at a party after that which had been my 3rd trip, but at the same house.

Time seemed to just flow away. Then I began to feel like I was back at this trip. This trip I remember had to be, in my belief a level 5 trip. Where I had hallucinated another world infront of my eyes at this friends house and when the trip started to fade I had come back to reality with my friends going 'wow hes out there'. But I had heard nothing, I was completly out of consciousness. And I only remember this from this trip. I remember exactly what happened, and almost see perfectly what I had seen. But before I had no idea of what had happened, let alone remembered I had tripped!!!.

I then went to a level, spiritually and mentally of true blissfulness. I had the urge to crank up the volume of the song which sounded sooo great.

There is so much that happened in that short time that had been taught to me but as I sit here typing this, the fading of this salvia comedown is starting to fade my memory of what exactly i felt of this trip. I felt as if I could feel why the Shamans had used this plant as a healing plant, a teaching tool.

I'm still sort of in that gaze, but more of just calmness. Nothing seems to really bother me. I'm enjoying just recollecting the experience.

I really want to experience the same trip but at a higher level. The world seemed to have bent, and this trip had enlightened me on that experience I had gone through.

I truly enjoy salvia and wish to experiment more.

That ends this salvia trip. As I compare this trip vs. the trip of uncontrollable laughter which i had seen slight hallucinations of my friends turning into some odd aliens and such, i find that it is all just part of your world being taught to you.

I felt this trip was my forgotten one and this new one combined. Now I am starting to forget what had happened on that trip, exactly, again.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 55916
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 1, 2017Views: 1,054
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Salvia divinorum (44) : General (1), Alone (16)

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