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I Became The Center Of The Universe
Cannabis & Ketamine
by Taz
Citation:   Taz. "I Became The Center Of The Universe: An Experience with Cannabis & Ketamine (exp5593)". Jan 18, 2002.

T+ 0:00
  smoked Cannabis  
  T+ 0:30 75 mg IM Ketamine (liquid)
I have done K nasally hundreds of times, and had tried IM shots which I came to hate, I was shooting too much (100mg), which left me with the nasal option for my K trips, but personally I also dislike the cold frozen numbing sensation I get in my sinus from snorting it. I decided to master the art of relaxation and let my mind flow into wherever K would want to take me.

I had read that weed before shooting would relax my muscles and help with the horrible bodyload and numbness, so I smoked some very good weed (T+00hrs) this stuff had me trippin already, I was gettin mad thoughts, deep thinking and the great anticipation to this great trip made it even better. It was like a prep up, sort of like a meditation... I sat down on the sidewalk with 2 friends. We all smoked but I was the only one shooting K.

T+00:30 I inject 0.75cc (75mgs of liquid ketamine)

The come up was beautiful, I did not feel the exact moment between trippin or not, it hit me sooooo gradually, it was perfect. I slowly started trippin, we were sittin on a dark street with a park in front of us, nobody walking by. The field of vision in front of me is the dark blue sky, many stars and a huge tree about 20 feet away. Were sittin with our backs rested on a wall, I feel my legs and my body just slide down the sidewalk like a spilled icecream ball, just sliding off the sidewalk (sidewalk was at an angle) I feel my body become some kind of plasma or unidentified energy form, floating, stretching out into the universe. Kinda like liquid metal as in the movie terminator 2... I become this inmense pole of liquid plasma or metal (whatever), hard to explain, my body is all around the universe, all around the existence, I have become ALL MATTER. As if the big bang proceeded -FROM- ME, as if I was the beggining of all existence. This body form each time became longer and thinner, imagine taking some elastic material; stretching its mass into a longer but thinner shape, each time it becomes longer and longer, but thinner as well, comes a point where my body mass (this liquid metal I was talking about) becomes SOOOO thin (like a guitar string that is millions of light years LONG into the universe), it starts creating a noise in space, a noise that creates energy, in turn causing the beggining of new matter and life form: light, sound & time(split second future that immediately becomes present, and past in milliseconds)... All dimensions and mass forms exists because of this stretching and thinning action of my mass (I have become the center of the universe), all of a sudden this string of energy becomes so thin and the noise created from this action becomes SOOOO intense, it breaks/rips right in the middle; and the whole universe collapses! I feel this strong painful bang or blast as if each bone in my body was crushed by the weight of the whole universe during this collapse::::::

K brought me back after that, in one piece, I was human again, I recall picking that sidewalk as my trippin spot, I recall it was all a trip, I conclude, it was my best trip ever.

Pretty damn awesome, I am semi-counscious that this is happening, not even the voice of my talking friends can make me lose my concentration. Same as the coming up, the come down is soooo damn perfect and gradual, my hallucinations fade away gradually, and my mind/soul slowly enters back into my body. It was another 90 minutes after my trip, it was hard to walk and talk, getting ideas together was a hard task, and trying to explain my trip was nearly impossible, I had to wait till the effects were fully gone.

Definatly made me look at K in a different way, I always had this attitude towards K, as a boring drug, where it would totally unplug me from the environment, and worst of all, the body load and sinus disconfort was the main thing that kept me away from k trippin. I will definately always smoke weed before doin K... It's a drug that takes many times to master and understand. I always tried to force myself into trippin as if it were LSD, but it's nothing like it.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 5593
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 18, 2002Views: 13,134
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Ketamine (31) : Glowing Experiences (4), Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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