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Light At The End Of The Tunnel
Citation:   Naraku. "Light At The End Of The Tunnel: An Experience with Cannabis (exp5599)". Jan 18, 2002.

  smoked Cannabis (dried)
The school year was new, and i was disgusted by the fact that i couldn't drive to school. one day in early october, while walking home, one of the seniors pulled up beside me and asked if i wanted a ride home. i agreed, seeing as he was going right by my house anyways. i hopped in, and i was told that the group (four people) was going to go smoke some weed, and they asked if i wanted to join them. i had never tried pot, but was more than eager to try it. first, my friend packed a bowl in a small metal pipe, and it was passed around about six times. my throat burned like hell, and i coughed a bit, but i didn't mind. i knew that i wouldn't feel anything that first time, but five minutes later my friend rolled a beautiful joint. that was smoked outside, and i was a little disappointed that i hadn't felt anything.

the next day, another friend of mine asked if i wanted to join her and a few other people on their weekly trip to the tunnel under the highway. i, of course, agreed, and that thursday we went in the tunnel and sat in a circle. one person pulled out a beautiful glass sherlock, and i was amazed that i got to smoke out of it. she packed a tight bowl of some really nice buds, and the fun started. i took the biggest hits i could without coughing too hard. after the fifth hit, the top half of my body started tingling, and the dim light seemed brighter. suddenly, i started giggling at the way i felt. the pipe was still being passed around, and i struggled, but took about 6 more hits.

after what felt like an eternity (about 20 minutes), i was laughing uncontrollably, leaning to one side, and tingly all over. all i could think was 'wow... this is great...'. we then walked in the dark back to the car, down the eternal path through the woods. after falling into the car, i buckled the seat belt, after trying for about five minutes. we then drove around in the dark with some mind-blowing techno playing, and stopped to get ice cream. i had regained some of my ability to walk, and i somehow ordered some ice cream. i barely felt my face, but the ice cream was nearly orgasmic. my friends and i then tumbled back into the car, and we drove around town for a while, which was great since it's a tiny town with no street lights, and very windy roads. i closed my eyes and felt as though i was flying through space, completely weightless.

my mind was, for the first time in months, clear of the suicidal thoughts that had filled it, and in place was a feeling of total happiness. the feeling went on for quite some time, and when my head hit the pillow that night, i had wonderfully colorful dreams of swimming through the ocean, talking with all of the creatures.

i have smoked many times since, and every time is a slightly different experience. i always feel motion while staying still, which is always wonderful. this is something that I recommend trying at least twice, just so you can experience the feelings that cannot be described with words.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 5599
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 18, 2002Views: 5,999
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Cannabis (1) : First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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