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Characterization of Withdrawal Effects
Citation:   nutopia. "Characterization of Withdrawal Effects: An Experience with GBL (exp56016)". Jan 25, 2018.

  1 mg sublingual Pharms - Buprenorphine (daily)
  250 ug sublingual Naloxone (daily)
  300 mg oral Pharms - Bupropion (daily)
      Pharms - Diazepam  
When I started taking GBL, I was already on a daily regimen of self-medication to work at the psych hospital and acute care facility (sic) that employs me. I was/am down to about 1mg of suboxone, 5 - 20mg of valium, 300mg wellbutrin, and 10 - 30mg adderall. I excell at my job, these drugs have never caused anything but increased ability and capacity, and performance enhancement as I manage potentially violent crisis situations, hopefully avoid such situations with dialog, talk patients out of suicide, restrain violent patients, etc. In each area of my job, I feel a sense of worth and, by all accounts, have a natural ability. I had started the job taking 20 - 40g of opium poppy pod in tea form, but opted for the suboxone treatment and quickly titrated my dose down, I have yet make the jump to nothing though. I keep putting it off.

When I started doing GBL, I was afraid of it. There are alot of horror stories and the potential for harm and unfortunate situations is very real. Luckily, to date, I haven't suffered any of these firsthand. I have been using GBL on more days than not, sometimes around the clock for a day or two, for 6 months or so. I love the sociability, sensuality, and lack of inhibitions, the widening of one's comfort zone in any situation. I started taking it w/o my other drugs for safety's sake. But with time, found that I could carefully (once my body was adjusted) mix my other substances in and just lower my G dose a bit. I do not recommend this. This is a chance I chose to take with my body. Please don't justify your actions, in this respect, by my actions.

I have experienced withdrawal effects and would like to explain the nature of what I have found. The first symptom I get comes @ about 3 - 5 hours after my last dose and its severity is dependent on the depths of my last binge. It is a pain in my chest, right under my sternum. I assume it is the stimulant effects of the drug running without the dampening from the sedative effects. I've noticed that benzos help this. I bet clonidine or a beta-blocker would be best, but @ current time I have none of these.

Next my mood flattens out a bit or, in the case of a 3 day round the clock binge, alot. There is an intense clouding of thought. I cannot keep more than a word or two in short term memory when trying to type poems I've written. I can't keep up with explanations of things or ordered logistical tasks. I am completely unmotivated, somewhat overwhelmed. But luckily, this doesn't last more than a day or two and w/ an increase in benzo/decrease in G weening regimen, might last a few days longer but be less menacing. If I can make it through this relatively short period of time, the craving seems to go away as well. After it runs through my system and I recover near baseline from the withdrawals I don't have a strong craving as I do while on it or having used it in the last day. Somewhat peculiar, but good. There is also alot of sweating involved, for me at least.

It is a wonderful substance when used correctly, but it very clearly appeals to the addictive personality in me.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 56016
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 25, 2018Views: 1,497
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GBL (89) : Combinations (3), Retrospective / Summary (11), Addiction & Habituation (10), Various (28)

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