Brain Reset Body Reborn
Citation:   SomeoneLikeMyself. "Brain Reset Body Reborn: An Experience with MDA (exp56160)". Feb 28, 2017.

  smoked Cannabis  
  125 mg oral MDA (capsule)
MDA & Camping

My girlfriend and I decided to go camping in April over Spring Break at a very beautiful national preserve on a river in our state. At that point I had smoked my share of marijuana and had a couple of psilocybin experiences, along with a few pharmaceuticals here in there. All in all, my experience with this type of thing was somewhat limited.

So, we discussed the possibility of trying some MDA while we were camping. Needless to say, I was a little apprehensive about the whole thing. I did a bit of research and was interested. Well she came over to my house the night before we left, and told me she got them. They came from a very trustworthy source (and family member), so we were fairly certain of what we were getting.

She had two small clear capsules with a nearly pure white power in them. So we packed up, headed out for our 6 hour drive, and were on our way.

We were staying for 4 nights, so we decided the second night would be a good time to go for it. Well, the weather was beautiful and comfortable, so it was the perfect time. We had been smoking a little nug before hand, but I didn’t indulge too much as I wasn’t sure about the effects (of the MDA).

As I said, I was a little apprehensive about this. Well, that feeling continued to some degree as we were about to take them. This isn’t uncommon for me as my nerves get stirred up anytime I do anything new, so I’ve gotten used to just accepting it.

So, we each took ours, the climbed out onto a large rock (boulder) in the river. It wasn’t a terribly deep or fast running river, so there wasn’t really too much concern there, assuming we slipped or anything. However, nothing of the sort happened. While we were out there, after about 30 minutes I started feeling a little woozy and decided it would be best to get back to the tent (or at least off the rock) before it came on too much.

At this point I was feeling just a little uncomfortable, mainly due to not knowing what to expect, but again, I just decided to take it all in stride.

So after getting up the slick embankment, we got to the tent and sat down outside for a bit. At this point, I was really noticing something out of the ordinary, but nothing to extreme. I was feeling, perhaps, a little swimmy in the head, a bit different than anything I’ve felt before, or since then.

After about 15 minutes of sitting outside, we decided to move into the tent where we could enjoy the high and whatever it may precipitate. So, at this point we lied down on our sleeping bags, and hold each other. At this point, I had no sexual desires, it was all just about being there with my girl. Shortly there after, 1 minute, 2, 4, 10 (I’m not sure, time really seemed to just linger) we started to kiss, and that’s all we did for about an hour, 2, 3, again, I’m not sure how long. It seemed like it lasted all night.

When we woke up in the morning, the feeling was incredible. I don’t think I had ever woken up feeling as good as I did that morning. I guess I could draw an analogy to how I feel the day after a trip. When I had my first serious trip, the next day I had a whole new realization about things, and I just cried and cried, for seemingly no reason, that’s just how I felt. Waking up after taking MDA was like that, in that my body felt (equally) profoundly different. It felt like my brain had been reset and my body had been reborn.

Compared to my other chemically induced experiences, I must say that this was the most refreshing and pleasant of them all and I would love to have the opportunity to try it again. Unfortunately, this was a rare opportunity to get something so clean nowadays, at least around here.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 56160
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 28, 2017Views: 3,190
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MDA (34) : Small Group (2-9) (17), First Times (2), General (1)

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