To Another Place Entirely
MDMA & Nitrous Oxide
Citation:   robert c. "To Another Place Entirely: An Experience with MDMA & Nitrous Oxide (exp56168)". Jan 21, 2018.

1 tablet oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
  3.5 tablets oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
    repeated inhaled Nitrous Oxide (gas)
    smoked Cannabis (plant material)
MDMA: 4 1/2 pills spread out over 3 hours
Nitrous: 8 gram cartridges in multiple balloons at 2, 2.5, 4 and 4.5 hours into the MDMA trip.
cannabis: approx 0.5 grams, smoked


What follows is an account of the most powerful and surreal moment of my life:

I am 22 year old male, have extensive cannabis experience, have taken LSD approximately 20 times, mushrooms 4 times and mescaline in cactus form. I often experiment with salvia tinctures & leaf, various other psychoactives and recently had a very intense solo-ayahuasca session.

Time: 10pm. Feeling happy, contented and fairly excited. I was at a party with a close friend. I vaguely knew some of the people there, and there was a pretty friendly atmosphere. My friend and I had been anticipating this weekend for a while. I ate the first pill at about midnight. Standard extraordinary MDMA trip followed, plenty of sensual appreciation, gender elimination (we were all just wonderful Humans!), universal love and rushes of pleasure.

My friend's friend was taking LSD for the first time. It had been several hours and felt he needed to go outside. It was early in the morning, maybe 3am. It was quite temperate, and I was glad to see the ocean. We had brought some nitrous oxide outside and started blowing up balloons. I had several intense moments over the next half hour, but it wasn't until an hour later that things got very strange.

It had been around half and hour since my last balloon. I inhaled approximately 14 grams of nitrous, with it's wonderfully sweet and heavy taste. I lay back...things were coming on FAST. The sky was a fairly dark blue as the sun was hinting at coming up sometime soon. I continued to stare at it. A trance had developed. CHANGE! I traveled further than I had ever done before. I felt and appeared to see the blue sky completely enveloping myself and everyone else on the beach. We were be-globed. Wrapped in sky. I was shocked. My head was lifted (I did not choose to lift it consciously). I looked around frantically - horrified and fascinated by what I saw. The others on the beach appeared to be floating and undulating. They had no real defined form. They were surrounded by a cloud of pure white, intense light that stretched out in several directions. The kind of white light that one might expect that Angels of God might be surrounded by, should they exist.

I was convinced that I was on another plane of existence. Part of me thought that I had 'gone too far this time' and that was it - I had gone mad. Feelings of mysterious forces thickening the air were intense. Someone in our group must have said something. All I heard was 'take that'. The words appeared to have been isolated. Time stopped, rewound, the words were played again. This happened many times, at a fast pace. 'TakeThatTakeThat', in a very robotic way. During the last few repetitions, more of the sentence appeared to be revealed though its meaning blended into nothingness. There was moments when time felt like it was moving many times faster than normal - like a rocket. The universe had gone insane, and I was trapped in it. I would imagine that the whole experience lasted perhaps 30 or 40 seconds, but I had no comprehension of how long had really passed. Felt shocked and awed by what had happened.

The same evening, my friend had an experience on Nitrous + MDMA but no cannabis. He appeared to lose consciousness, but feel like he was still aware that he was not conscious. He said that it was like being reborn.

I can compare the bizzarreness to the time I woke up into an ayahuasca state after thinking that the effects were not going to come on and so went to sleep for a short period. However, the N+M trip combination had much more clarity, despite the insanity. Plus it didn't give me sea-sickness! I had never imagined that nitrous could be so hallucinogenic. I can only presume that it was the high MDMA dose that allowed the brain to slip into that state so easily. Hope to revisit it one day, but not for many months. For now it has given me plenty to ponder over and its profundity is still pronounced.


Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 56168
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 21, 2018Views: 1,297
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Nitrous Oxide (40), MDMA (3) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Combinations (3)

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