Ltd Ed 'Solve et Elucido' Art Giclee
This reverberating psychedelic giclee print is a gift for a
$500 donation to Erowid. 12" x 12", stretched on canvas, the
image wraps around the sides of the 1" thick piece. Signed
by artist Vibrata, and Erowid founders Earth & Fire.
Fearless Freedom
Citation:   vestyjr. "Fearless Freedom: An Experience with Damiana (exp56225)". Dec 11, 2007.

  hits smoked Damiana (plant material)
I first got into herb smoking about a month or so ago after realising that 'the herb' was not going to be such a good idea to smoke because of the short term memory loss that occures after prolonged smoking. So since I have exams this year I thought I would try something a little less 'harmful' (?).

So my two friends and I went into Nørrebro and walked to the herb shop. This vendor is extremely reliable and they sell very good quality, fresh herbs ranging from absinthium to skullcap. Anyway - we bought 40 grams of Damiana and went back to the skatepark where we had been earlier.

We proceeded to pack a bog-standard tobacco pipe with Damiana. We were all excited to try it and quickly lit it up. I took the first dope and I instantly felt the buzz - much like the instant hit you get from 420. The smoke tasted surprisingly good - much better than catnip. I really enjoyed the first toke. I passed it round and we had a nice relaxing smoke.

A quick discussion ensued and we talked about the effect. I personally felt the feeling was much too potent in order to be a placebo effect (to be honest I wasn't expecting much). I was extremely happy that it worked. After about 2-3 minutes we were all back on our boards. It seemed like we were all fearless now. We were trying tricks that we didn't even dream of.

I shared this with my friends and they agreed, though one of them still denied any feeling. Even now I feel like the effect was strongest when sitting still of just rolling along. Walking or running took away the effect of the Damiana.

To describe the effect I would say it was a definite MJ like buzz, fearlessness, lack of trepidation and a general happy feeling.

Around an hour after inhalation we were on the train and we started to talk about 'space cats' - this is not a topic of conversation that we would usually pursue though at the time we found it extremely amusing. Our laughter was attracting a lot of attention to us and people's comments just seemed to worsen (if you like) the laughing fits that we experienced. This was much like the effect of a small dosage of hash.

In conclusion, this herb is definitely one to add to the list of recreational herbs. It's something that really should be tried.

I would make sure to buy from a reliable vendor. Do not buy Damiana from a supermarket or tea shop, as this will not be 100% pure. Stick to the designated herb shops.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 56225
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 11, 2007Views: 33,559
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Damiana (107) : First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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