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Instant Socialite
Citation:   conspiracy. "Instant Socialite: An Experience with Cocaine (exp56284)". Mar 10, 2018.

3 lines insufflated Cocaine (powder / crystals)
  .5 g insufflated Cocaine (powder / crystals)
    repeated smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
It was my first time that started it all. I had never thought of trying cocaine, let alone even being involved with anyone who had it, but that quickly changed. A couple kids I knew told me they could get me cocaine if I wanted it. That night I bought a gram from them and took it back to my dorm room. I cut 3 lines on my desk and stared at them thinking I was going to be the person who has sudden death after doing cocaine once. I finally snorted all three one after another. I then sat back down at my bed and was very disappointed in the drug. I thought effects were going to be instantaneous and when there were no effects instantly I told my girlfriend “this shit is lame, its not doing anything”. I continued to sit until about four minutes later I leapt from my bed a new person. I was at the beginning of the high and was rushing, I couldn’t sit still or be in one area, I had to go go go.

We left to smoke and I couldn’t stop babbling non stop to anybody who were around or walked by. I felt the best I had ever been in my entire life. I was super me who could conquer all and be the biggest socialite in the world.
Eventually about an hour later I became sleepy and was getting ready to goto bed when my girlfriend reminded me I had over half my gram left. I dumped and crushed the rest into four more lines and did them all at once. I immediately felt super and the rush was more intense, so I preceded to chainsmoke for about twenty minutes. Eventually my girlfriend fell asleep and I was not tired and it was 7AM I finally forced myself to bed and ended the night that changed my life.

Throughout my nine months of cocaine use with only being clean 3 weeks out of that entire time, I realized that the drug is only a problem if you have no willpower. If coke becomes your drug of choice don’t make it routine, have a life outside of the people that you get high with, and control yourself.
Have fun! Cheers

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 56284
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 10, 2018Views: 968
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