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Peaking In A Dream
Citation:   cj3ai. "Peaking In A Dream: An Experience with Morphine (exp56327)". Oct 7, 2017.

10 mg oral Morphine (ground / crushed)
I woke up Sunday morning with a horrible hang over which was caused by drinking a bottle of wine along with a few beers while camping the night before. I couldn't fall back asleep when i got home and had a miserable headache. This is when I remembered that I had a blue 10 mg morphine pill that I obtained the day before. I have taken these before with no really intense results other than a little relaxation. But this time I put it into a plastic bag a crushed the pill into powder which takes the time release out of the pill and hits me faster. Not thinking anything of it I put the powder into a glass of water and drank the mixture. This is when I went to my bed and started to lay down hoping to take a nap.

As I laid there I felt really relaxed as I feel asleep and remember being very content in my bed right before I fell asleep. The next thing I know I am asleep and having very vivid dreams all in a dark blue tint, the first part of the dream I was walking around my old house and talking to my parents and they kept saying I looked really fucked up. I remeber in the dream feeling really fucked up and walking around knowing I was in a dream. It was the most bizarre thing I have ever experienced, the dream was so realistic it scared the shit out of me. At one point in the dream I realized that I was dreaming and wanted to wake up so I walked over to a sink and tried to turn the water on but the sinks didn't work, all I wanted to do was splash water in my face but no sinks would work and this made me have a panic attack in my dream where I was begging myself to wake up by talking to my reflection in the mirror. Then I felt an intense body high and was trying to wake up but simply couldn't get out of the dream.

Finally I woke up and had no idea what was going on or that I was asleep and it was actually a dream for about 30 sec. Then I felt the biggest feeling of relief when I finally snapped out of it and realized it was a dream. I sat on my bed and wrote down this entire dream like I just went through it in real life, it was the most real intense dream I have ever had in my entire life and I realized that it was due to the morphine peaking in my system when I was asleep. I have had bizarre dreams with other pain killers like oxycodone and hydrocodone but none of these even compare to the realistic dream I had on morphine. I hope to get across the point of how powerful morphine actually is and what it did to my mind while I was asleep. In the future I will take it when I am relaxing or watching a movie, but not right before bed.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 56327
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 7, 2017Views: 1,662
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Morphine (211) : General (1), Alone (16)

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