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This Stuff Isn't Bunk
'White Rock Opium' & Cannabis
Citation:   Demonic Dreamer. "This Stuff Isn't Bunk: An Experience with 'White Rock Opium' & Cannabis (exp56403)". Erowid.org. Oct 22, 2007. erowid.org/exp/56403

  smoked Unknown
    smoked Cannabis
Let me start this by saying I have tried many drugs, from opium, dxm, acid, salvia, shrooms and the like. My favorites are salvia and dxm. The acid I was able to get wasn't very good.

I have tried black tar opium a few times before this experience and I had smoked 'Red rock' with no effects.

I was just getting off of work and I had saw a Juggalo sportin' the 'o.g' hatchet man jersey. So naturally I said 'whats up.' We started talking and all of that and he mentioned weed. Of course I smoked (Still do) weed. My manager was locking up the shop. He was a 'pot head' too going through me to get his buds. The Juggalo said something about a ride to a waffle house about a half mile away and he would smoke a bowl of kind with us. We were going that way anyway. So I talked to my manager and he agreed to give him a ride. We got into his car and the Juggalo grinned and pulled out two baggies. In one of them was the familiar look of decent kind buds, the other had the 'white rock' opium. He had asked if we were down with opium. Of course I had liked opium but I didn't know about my manager, either way I said 'I am'. It wasn't a supprise when my manager said he was too. So he loaded the bowl and put a rock that looked like dry sap, it reminded me of one of those 'frosted marbles' and had no scent until it was burning. He hand me the pipe and I egarly light it and inhaled. It tasted like tree sap, at least the way it smells.(I have never ate tree sap, except maple syrup.)

[Erowid Note: Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. Don't do it!]

I continued to hit it watching the rock melt over the bud. It had glimmered but had not turned a different color. I passed it to my manager and he hit it the second time. We continued to smoke as we drove, we took the long way just to smoke it all. Although it was my pipe he had loaded. We eventually finished smoking and we were at the waffle house, he took out two rocks and handed both of us one. At this time I was feeling something other then the weed. It could have been a 'placibo' effect, but I was sure it wasn't. My body was feeling heavier as the world seemed to get lighter. My head was feeling very light, almost dream like. Certantly not dizzy, shivers ran up and down my body and I looked in one of the mirrors, my pupils were oddly dilated, I can't explain it even if I tried. I remember biting my cheek and feeling nothing, this renforced my idea that it was a form of opium. We soon got to my house and my neighbor wanted me to move something, normally it wouldn't have been a hassle but it was very heavy, alot more then normal. I did that and I felt drained and wanted to sit down. She looked at me and asked 'whats wrong with your eyes?' I didn't know how to answer this so I said 'What do you mean?' and then walked into my house, my parents were home as usual, it was about 6:30 p.m.

I quickly went to my room and laid down on my bed, my body felt like it was sinking. I put my hand in my pocket and took out the celophaine I had put the rock in and started to examine it. It almost felt like a rubber ball but harder, I could feel it squish just a little bit when I pressed hard enough, it didn't change the shape of it. I continued to play with the rock, still feeling semi-sedated and pretty high. I put it away and laid there until I came down, the dream like feeling still lingered about an hour and a half after I started to come down.

In conclusion, this stuff isn't bunk. I don't know if it is an opiate but it sure seemed like one. The taste was pleasurable and the feeling was awesome. I am still to this day looking for more of it. However I have had no luck, I can still get black tar opium and I refuse to get red rock, but after that experence the black tar just doesn't cut it anymore and it makes me feel like I want more. And I don't like to get addicted to things, I had notised that the 'white rock' didn't have that craving feeling after I smoked and came down. The rock he gave me was smoked the next day between four people with the same effects, maybe slightly lower then the first time.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 56403
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 22, 2007Views: 11,300
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Cannabis (1), Unknown (120) : Small Group (2-9) (17), First Times (2), Combinations (3)

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