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Three People, Several Trips
Salvia divinorum (10x extract)
Citation:   Zeebs. "Three People, Several Trips: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (10x extract) (exp56421)". Oct 9, 2007.

  repeated smoked Salvia divinorum (extract - 10x)
I purchased 'Purple Sticky Salvia' from a head shop near my home. The shopkeeper said that it was 'the good kind' and to 'pack it tightly, sit down, and remember, it only takes one hit'.

Low Dose Experience: I lit up the pipe and the taste of the smoke was so bizarre that it surprised me and I exhaled it without holding it in. The room spun, like the bed spins on alcohol, and then that feeling subsided. I felt sort of relaxed and happy. My husband and I ran an errand and I was just in a good mood the whole time.

High Dose Experience: This time I held the smoke in, and I inhaled three times off a one-hit pipe. I also made the mistake of not sitting down. I was outside on my patio and I became very focussed on the fence. My husband asked me how I was feeling and I told him I needed to go sit down inside. By the time he led me to a chair, I was not in this world at all. I was seeing a two-dimensional abstraction of the fence. The fence and I were connected, but not one, just connected somehow. I could see the fence unraveling and going away, and I started to panic because I realized that I was being taken away with it, that I would cease to exist.

I also, oddly, had the experience of being a child and I felt like I was trapped inside a marker drawing that a child might have drawn. My husband grabbed my arm and said 'Are you ok?' and then I realized that I could come out of it. I told him 'Tell me where I am, keep holding my arm, tell me what's going on' so he did, and I could focus on parts of him as they really are, and other parts looked two-dimensional like the fence hallucination. Finally I became aware that my dogs were sitting on my lap and that I was in my living room. Slowly I began seeing things as they really are. This whole experience lasted about two minutes.

Well, I was pretty freaked, but that didn't stop me from doing it again. This time I had friends over. One friend took a hit and he walked around the room, tried to sit on a chair, fell off the chair, said some incoherent things, and finally was back with us and told us that he saw the carpet curling up and it was coming to get him, it was closing in on him. He was trying to get away from it when he was walking around the room, but get this, he had no recollection of even getting up off the floor. He thought he just moved a few inches on the floor!

The same friend took another hit and he felt like the room was turning sideways and he was going to be sucked out of it. This made him a little panicky. The other friend took several hits but all he experienced was 'like the best weed ever'. He is also a big guy and maybe didn't take enough of it for his size.

I did several hits and here is how they went:

#1. Everything was blurry and spinning, I felt pressure pushing me to the left and things were becoming like shards of glass, reality was splintering and spinning off to the left. I didn't lose contact with reality this time, but it sure was scary nonetheless. My skin also got the prickles. I felt like it was drying up and blowing away, too, like the world.

#2. We were watching a psychedelic video with lots of colors and a rotating image and I started to feel like it was making me rotate. I turned around with my back to the TV but then I felt like all my limbs were turning into prisms or rectangular pieces of wood or something and spinning of their own free will, not fast, just rotating and moving, sort of. My friends were laughing at me so then I tried really hard to focus on them to come out of it a little, but it didn't work, they just looked the same way, their limbs were angular and moving and rotating and they had a funny yellow tint to them.

#3. By this time I had had enough of freaking out so I went a little lighter on the draw, and this time I felt like when the drug wanted to push me and make me freak out, part of me 'told' it that I didn't want that, I wanted a nice pleasant trip, and then the drug let me have it. The colors were very pretty on our psychedelic video and most of the time I was focussed on 'talking' to the drug and sorting out my thoughts so I didn't experience much else.

I don't really LIKE salvia but I feel like I still learned from it.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 56421
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 9, 2007Views: 4,957
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Salvia divinorum (44) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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