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An Experience of Epic Proportions
Salvia divinorum (60x extract)
by Mike
Citation:   Mike. "An Experience of Epic Proportions: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (60x extract) (exp56515)". Mar 30, 2023.

4 hits smoked Salvia divinorum (extract)
My friend “Ray” wanted me to try some of the 60X salvia he had bought (legally of course). I had experimented with salvia before, but never experienced more than slight “Magic Eye” type visual distortions. “No wonder it’s legal,” I thought.

My fiancée, “Alice” my friend “Ray“ and Alice's best friend “Jane” were in the room. Ray made sure that the water pipe was filled with very cold water and crushed ice. He insisted on holding the pipe because he said I would not be able to hold it after a couple hits. I was doubtful it would be that strong. As I took the first hit, I thought “Hmmm, nothing unusual. That‘s salvia alright.”

I hit the pipe four times. Ray knew I was gone. I don’t remember the first few seconds, but I know that I was unable to sit up anymore so I laid down and began tripping really hard. My memories of this trip are a little broken, probably because my brain/ego would rather I forget most of this experience.

The first thing I remember while on the floor was that the music was instantly louder. It was one of my favorite songs (“Are You In?” by Incubus) so I was really enjoying the beat for a second or two. Then I remember everyone in the room paying close attention to what my reaction to this was going to be.

Suddenly, I felt very small. Very small! Everything to the left side of my head was blackness, pure blackness. The other side was the scary part. The other side of me was my friends and my fiancée making sure I was ok, but laughing a lot. Which was ok, but I then saw that each and every second of my life was on a visual timeline. I saw the timeline in front of me, and with each passing second. I and my friends were acting out our parts on this timeline.

Now that I’m seeing the timeline, I see that life is just a physical timeline that we are all acting out bit by bit. I learned that each passing second was like a vibrant, colorful, immense, tall, piece of the timeline. Each piece was clearly segmented, which made me wonder if I was clearly seeing the “doors of perception“ at this moment.
I learned that each passing second was like a vibrant, colorful, immense, tall, piece of the timeline. Each piece was clearly segmented, which made me wonder if I was clearly seeing the “doors of perception“ at this moment.
I was not feeling very sane at this moment, so I felt “left out” because everyone else in the room was perfectly o.k. with this timeline and their parts and even considered the timeline “fun”. It felt like a game at this point! We were all drawing our parts on the timeline and it was a fun game. It felt like everyone in the room was playing, but I was not having “fun” with it because I knew what was really going on.

I believe it was right here where I said “ I know what life is guys!” Everyone laughed hard. I felt happy as I said this, but this “realization” made me really uncomfortable. For the first time now, I wondered if seeing this “truth” was a bad thing. “No, wait, I don’t know what life is. Never mind,” I said. Of course I only said this so that I could calm down. Enlightenment wasn’t on my schedule tonight, and maybe some other time I can reach this point during meditation or something. I figured that method would be a better situation to be in to experience Enlightenment. Anyway, saying this really made everyone laugh so that calmed me down a little too.

I heard a creaking noise and I felt like I was on a huge floor . I felt like I was on a kitchen tile right next to someone’s bare foot, some giant man’s foot. It was a little like that old Mickey Mouse cartoon version of Jack and the Beanstalk. I was lying next to the giant’s foot as he was eating breakfast! I then realized that the noise was my hamster chewing on her cage bars.

I now felt like my friends were more spiritually enlightened than I because they were having a great time with this and I was feeling scared as hell but could not express it. Everyone told me later that I was smiling wide the whole time. Alice walked over to me and leaned over me. I acknowledged her briefly, then looked at the next few seconds/puzzle pieces of the timeline. “She’s very pretty,“ I thought. I became calm for a second. I wanted to sit up. I could see that I was going to sit up in a couple seconds from the timeline. I told my fiancée to help me up and she laughed and said “ok babe.” As I expected, I sat up right when I was supposed to on the timeline. The timeline had shown an incline coming up in a few seconds and I rode that incline at exactly the right moment. “No no no!” I said, scared. “Put me back down!” Of course this freaked me out more because I saw that the timeline was going to decline soon and sure enough, I was lowered back down right according to the timeline. It was like I had just “traced a mountain” on the timeline using my body like a pen or pencil. Everyone laughed and loved my reactions.

I saw on the timeline that I was going to get up soon so I calmly got up when my moment came and shut off the music (which was really, really freaking me out because I felt like the song was written by Brandon Boyd of Incubus, just for this experience I was having!)

My perception began to return to “normal.” I had some water and that pretty much brought me back down completely. Overall I felt very humbled.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 56515
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 30, 2023Views: 447
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Salvia divinorum (44) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Music Discussion (22), Mystical Experiences (9), Difficult Experiences (5), General (1)

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