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I Could See in the Shutter Speed of Life
Ketamine & Cannabis
Citation:   tigergirl. "I Could See in the Shutter Speed of Life: An Experience with Ketamine & Cannabis (exp56525)". Mar 20, 2016.

  repeated insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
    repeated smoked Cannabis  
This was the first time that I had tried K. I was excited if a little aprehensive. In the space of about 6 hours I had done about 4-6 lines of K. First I took only one, I was worried about the things I had heard my friends say about the drug so thought I do it gradually.

All I felt from this one line was strangely dizzy, I started thinking about where the K had come from, a vet's probably, and that made me think of a staggering deer. So I thought, hey this seems ok, and did another line. Now things were going weirder. I felt like I had 'fly vision', like I could see every movement slowed down. At this point I thought I would stand up, but the K seemed to think otherwise, my legs went all jelly-like and moving was near impossible.

I was looking over at my boyfriend also tripping with me, I felt like I was drifting in and out of consciousness, I could see him smiling back but I felt like he was really far away. He said he wasn't feeling much from it ( this is usually the case with him and I, I seem to get more visuals from everything we do). So we had some more lines. And I remember we were both hoping and urging for the infamous K hole but we were just skimming the edge. I remember at this point that if I kept staring at my wall things would get a lil strange but nothing too weird. I stared for a long time, and I did kinda feel like for a moment I was in another room, which was like a reflection of my room but different.

In conclusion I'm getting some more K. Because I enjoyed it, it was nowhere near as scary as people had told me it would be. And I want to see more. I came away this time feeling like I was just on the threshold of something life-changingly beautiful.

[Reported Dose: '1/4 gram K and 3-4 joints of weed']

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 56525
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 20, 2016Views: 2,570
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Ketamine (31) : Combinations (3), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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