Modern humans must learn how to relate to psychoactives
responsibly, treating them with respect and awareness,
working to minimize harms and maximize benefits, and
integrating use into a healthy, enjoyable, and productive life.
Drugs to Make You Feel Like Being Sober
Salvia divinorum (10X Extract) & DMT
Citation:   A simple chair. "Drugs to Make You Feel Like Being Sober: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (10X Extract) & DMT (exp56600)". Jan 31, 2018.

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.125 g smoked Salvia divinorum (extract - 10x)
    smoked DMT  
Knowing that there was no way to prepair for the experience, I dove right in.

I have plenty of experience with hallucinogens.

Following the good advice of another trip report writer, I put on the CD 'The liquid Tension experiement'

I took as large a bong rip as I could, and held my breath as my body and brain folded into the wailing guitars. The fractal chaos of my vision resolved and I saw all the elements of my life on a rainbow path. My life consists of walking down that path.

It was clear and in real-time. I dont mean I spent a lifetime walking down the path, just that things were represented that way. I saw that I have been making some good progress siezing life, but some risks I have been taking shocked me. (Taking this combo was not the risk) The clear trip resolved into the room I had smoked in. The music seemed to fit the mood perfectly, and I heard all the techniques in the playing very clearly.

The whole thing took less than 5 minutes and was very natural feeling, much less shocking than salvia itself. I'm really very impressed by the clarity and utility of the trip. It felt much more like reprogramming my brain to make my dreams real than getting wasted.

[Erowid Note: Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. Don't do it!]
I was disturbed by my percieved risks, so I jumped in the car and took care of that shit. In retrospect I was just freaking out and nothing realllly needed to be done but I still feel much better now.

The last bit of the vision consisted of the luscious thighs of a chick I've been diggin on in class. I take that as a message from the one true God that I am to persue and bed her.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 56600
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 31, 2018Views: 149
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Salvia divinorum (44), DMT (18) : Combinations (3), Mystical Experiences (9), Unknown Context (20)

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