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The System Cleaner
Citation:   Enigma. "The System Cleaner: An Experience with Kratom (exp56658)". Erowid.org. Mar 17, 2007. erowid.org/exp/56658

5.0 g oral Kratom (powder / crystals)
I write this, about 20 minutes after a terrible end,...

I got the Kratom on advice from the seller at the local SmartShop.

I asked for a relaxing tea, I had bought and tried Passionflower tea about 6 weeks earlier, but I just added hot water rather then boiling it, so it was just a very relaxing, but nasty tasting tea.

He said he didn't have anything really tea like, only brew things.

But, he said, he had something he uses himself when he needs a nice calm.

He showed me a 10 gram pack of Kratom, explaining that he takes 5 gram mixed with yoghurt in the evening.

I already read about Kratom, and knew it had nauseating side-effects, so I asked whether there were any bad or strange side effects, besides the calming down.

Where he replied there were none.

I trusted him, thinking 5 grams of a 10 gram, which should be the full dose, is a light dose and probably just relaxing, like the Passion Tea.

I got time to try it with yoghurt that friday evening.

But it totally failed, it tasted so bad I couldn't get in more then 3 small spoons of it.

The next week, now that is.

I decided to try it with some juice, as described on the website of the store, and other places.

I had put the remaining 5 grams in a large glass and filled it up with chocolate milk, at first the powder floated on top.

But after stirring a lot and waiting, it settled through the chocolate milk and became drinkable.

It had a bit of a bad taste but not super awful.

When I had finished drinking it up, I looked through some music and made a relaxing playlist to chill on.

I lay down in bed, my hands were cold from working behind my computer, so I warmed them up.

After my hands were warm, I relaxed, closed my eyes and felt sleepy, I was relaxed and tired, even without the Kratom.

All that comes now could as well 've been placebo,... very likely actually.

With my eyes closed, I was very able to visualize lots and lots of imaginative things, pictures, moving to the music.

I usually do this anyways, but it went extra good, seen I was very relaxed.

It got boring after a while, opened my eyes, looked at my video arcade cabinet and decided I wanted the music from there, as well as the winamp visuals displaying in the screen.

I got out of bed, a bit wobbly in my legs, probably placebo, I had this with Passion Flower tea too, but not with mushrooms.

Started opening the cabinet and working on it.

As I was messing with getting stuff installed, I felt a nausea coming up.

I sat down and I started moving my leg neurotically, it made the nauseous feel go away, but it didn't make me feel any better.

My mood wasn't really relaxed, my hands were shaking and I knew it was going kind of wrong.

Was just a matter of waiting till it went away, then go to bed or write this experience thing.

I was chatting with a friend in canada on msn, told him about the kratom and that I felt like shit.

I paused my typing and I knew I was gonna throw up, I looked around my room, to decide where to leave my stomach fillings.

The floor was the best place, my garbage bin was full, and I had linoleum, or well, easily cleanable floor covering, so no real problem.

I bended forward from my chair and waited till I actually had to puke, avoiding unnecessary moaning sounds.

After 3 throws I was done, I didn't feel nauseous anymore.

Cleaned up, and talked to the guy on msn again.

Floor is still smelly.

God this sucked, I didn't get any relaxier then the badly prepared Passion Flower tea, it tasted far worse, and I had to throw up.

Not for a retry!

It could've been miscellaneous things that contributed to the nausea, but it's mainly the kratom.

Because I barely throw up,... even if I'm VERY sick, nauseous, dizzy from a boat ride, or bustour that's taking ages, I just have a nasty feeling in my belly, and sit that out for as long as it takes.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 56658
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 17, 2007Views: 23,961
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Kratom (203) : Difficult Experiences (5), First Times (2), Alone (16)

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