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A Journey to the Dark Side of Life
by pdna
Citation:   pdna. "A Journey to the Dark Side of Life: An Experience with Heroin (exp56830)". May 20, 2018.

  repeated   Heroin
In December of 2002 I snorted my first ever line of heroin. Before I go on to tell of my personal perception and physiologically and psychologically euphoric encounter with this highly stigmatized drug, I want to layout for you my drug use timeline with an emphasis on my drugs of choice: the opiates. I roughly followed the suggested pattern of drug experimentation, beginning with alcohol at age 13, marijuana at 14, psychadelics (psylocybin) at 17, cocaine at 19 and finally heroin at 20. However, in between the lines, I began my experimentation and what would become a lifelong romance with the opiate family at age 16 when I was prescribed roxicet (oxycodone) pain pills following the surgical removal of my 'impacted' wisdom teeth. Having had trouble sleeping most of my life, and being a rather hyper-active, high strung child growing up, here I had found what I believed to be a panacea for my so called type A personality... absolute euphoric bliss! I was dumb-founded and quite enthralled by this magical concoction of powdered heaven in the form of a circular pill.

That was then, and this is now. At the moment, I am maintained on 70 mgs of methadone hydrochloride for my recent and heavily damaging heroin addiction - an addiction which unlike cocaine, does not happen with the very first taste, so to speak, but rather gradually and devilishly creeps up on the victim over a much longer period of time, but claims its hold over the individual in a uniquely powerful manner...

Anyway, taking a small step back in time to December of the year 2002, I had just arrived home in Pennsylvania for the holidays after an exceptionally exciting experience with my first semester at NYU in the world of Manhattan. Now I was temporarily back home and ready to catch up with happenings with my high school friends whom I hadn't seen for quite a while. I was bored one night and decided to call my Friend T to see what she was up to. Somehow the topic of drugs came up over the phone and I asked if she could find any of the highly sought after heroin many of my friends had already had the pleasure of experimenting with - but not me, at least not yet. She called back to tell me that she could get a hold of it for double the retail price of $10 a bag here in the philly area. I told her 'sure, why not' thinking that it is so infrequent that a chance to get some ever comes up. So I drove to her house, and then we drove to a store parking lot in Q-Town to meet the dude who was, unsurprisingly, later that he said he would be. Anyway, dude finally shows up and we make the purchase - four of us in a car each with 20 bucks for a total of four bags. I had T open my bag since she said it was easy to rip (being made of paper rather than plastic like coke always comes in around here). She dumped the small amount of, chunky off-white powder onto a CD case and I cut the lines myself (having experience with cutting lines of coke) and promptly snorted both lines of dope right up each nostril. The smell was quite different from cocaine but the drip equally as pleasing... the feeling, however, was simply not comparable. In just a matter of minutes, I found myself in that familiar state of opiated euphoric heaven that I had experienced before with popping narcotic pain pills - yet this feeling came over me with more power and within no more that 2 minutes! No need to wait! 'That was so easy,' I thought to myself and proceded to lay back and enjoy this ultra relaxing state of euphoria.

Moving on to just a couple years ago, following that first experience, I soon found out where to cop the magical beige powder and began indulging more and more frequently over the course of about 6 months. Now I was into shooting the stuff nearly everyday! It eventually got to the point where I was shooting $50 worth per day and if I missed just one day would abruptly go into an agonizing state of sickness, pain and discomfort (commonly referred to as withdrawal or 'dopesickness'). Now my life had hit 'rock-bottom' and I was out of a job so I had to resort to stealing, cheating, pawning and ripping people off - even people very close to me such as my own family members.

The bottom line is that this stuff is extremely deceptive in that it give me a taste of heaven but did not reveal what hell my entire life can become until it is far too late and I was completely hooked and have essentially become a slave to this often labelled the 'hardest of hard drugs' - heroin.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 56830
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 20, 2018Views: 6,493
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Heroin (27) : General (1), First Times (2), Retrospective / Summary (11), Addiction & Habituation (10), Various (28)

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