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'I Can't Get Out of the Kitchen'
Salvia divinorum
Citation:   Demikuse. "'I Can't Get Out of the Kitchen': An Experience with Salvia divinorum (exp56878)". Sep 6, 2019.

  repeated smoked Cannabis (plant material)
    repeated smoked Alcohol - Hard (liquid)
    repeated smoked Alcohol - Beer/Wine (liquid)
  2 hits smoked Salvia divinorum  
I had recently met this kid from Lester, England. He produces music and ambient beats with samples so I decided to introduce him to a friend of mine who is a guitarist. We decided that we wanted to get togther and start a band, me being a guitarist and singer also. We started off by polishing off a bottle of vodka and discussing music and politics. I got a gram of some kind bud and we smoked a bowl. We grabbed some food and a beer then went to the bar. I had a few more beers. While we were out my friend mentioned he had something called salvia back at my apartment which he had bought at a concert. He said that it was a legal plant that you can grow or buy over the internet. His exact words were 'It kind of gets you high' with a thick British accent. I had no idea.

Until then, I had never heard of anything called salvia. I was feeling pretty good, but wasn't completely trashed, and despite the amount of alcohol I had consumed I was still functioning well. When I had arrived at my apartment my roommate was there with about eight others, now with a total of about twelve collectively. We went to my kitchen and he got the salvia out. It was in a green case that read in pschedellic looking letters 'Purple sticky salvia.' I opened the case and examined it. It was a little moist, had a mild scent, and was a dark color. It loked similar to chewing tobacco.

I packed up a large bowl and lit it up. He said that I had packed a lot, but mid-smoke suggested that it should all be smoked at once and held in. I followed his suggestion, thinking that the result would be a mild high similar to smoking marijuana. At first I had the sensation of confusion, almost forgetting entirely that I had even smoked. Amidst the confusion, I hit a fresh bowl. It hit. The room had lost its solid physical structure and sort of bent at the corners with distorted dimensions, similar to experiences I had on mushrooms. My first spoken words were ' You don't know what just happened, it gets you high. It's a hallucinogen!' I was completely astonished. Here I was thinking I would 'Kind of get high' now sensing immediately that feeling of a psychadellic 'coming on'. It's full effects were now knocking on my door of consciousness. I attempted to leave the kitchen. I did. But as soon as I left the kitchen I landed right back at the spot where I had just smoked the plant. I tried this numerous times with the same effect every attempt. The plant wanted me to stay right in the spot where I had smoked it and concentrate. In that exact spot, in the same position. To just lock myself in that moment. I reached for my friend, but as I did this he zoomed a million miles away for a split second, along with the whole room! I couldn't ever make contact. The more I tried to leave the kitchen, the more complicated it got. Each time I tried to leave another person familiar to me would appear in the walkway, forming a barrier. It was like clones of people I knew were duplicating, doubling up and growing in numbers. I would try to leave the kitchen and was eventually falling over bodies that weren't even there. The last attempt I made, I lifted my leg very high to ensure not tripping over any clone bodies, and made it out. It was like a big reality loop, or some trickery on the plant's behalf- an illusion that I couldn't get out of the kitchen. The first words after I actually got out were 'I just couldn't get out of the kitchen!' Meanwhile during my attempts to get out of the kitchen, which was all actually a hallucination, being that I never even moved, my friends (four total) all had smoked the rest of the salvia.

My friend from Lester said that he had a similar experience- a reality loop. That reality would just go in circles. He said that he had forgotten how potent the drug was.

Another one of my friends had smoked it in the living room. He was standing up against the wall. When he had come down I asked him what he had experienced. He said that he had fallen through the floor and couldn't move his body. He just chilled in the floor, not able to move throughout the duration of his trip!

The last of my friends that had smoked it had a profound look on his face. I excitedly asked what he had felt or experienced. He looked at me and said 'That was fucking crazy. That was weird man.' He left right afterwards.

I had never heard of the drug salvia before. I now knew. It is potent. It takes one to another dimension. A very strong reality altering drug. While on it, I got the sensation that it will never end. It comes on very quick and strong. The come down is also quick, accompanied with the feeling of being 'way out there and slamming back into your body and normal reality very quick and abruptly.' The full effects seem to dissipate after about fifteen minutes of coming down. The high probably lasted about eight minutes.

It was a very new and interesting psychadellic experience. Inexperienced trippers and the weak of heart are fairly warned. Salvia will take you on a crazy trip, with it's effects varying from person to person.

I still to this day wonder what my one friend experienced. All I know is that 'It was fucking crazy.' and 'It was weird.'

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 56878
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 6, 2019Views: 586
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Salvia divinorum (44) : First Times (2), Combinations (3), Second Hand Report (42), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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