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New World on Earth
Citation:   shawnz. "New World on Earth: An Experience with DMT (exp56929)". Jan 31, 2018.

30 mg smoked DMT
I have experienced many drugs( including salvia) before but had never experienced something as intense as DMT. My friends have all done DMT before and I was familiar with the affects. They had told me to take a week or so before to become more intune with my psyche (even more than I was). When I felt I was ready I told my friend and we took a drive to a familiar spot in the woods.

After a few minutes of preparation I him prepare the pipe. I took three rips before I was no longer able to take anymore. I then leaned back in my car and he left the car so I could trip with no distractions. I then began to feel a weird taste of bouncy ball in my mouth and began to think I was seizuring. Somehow I kept this thought to myself. After a few seconds of this horrible thought I saw him out of my rear-view mirror playing with sock poi so I figured I was safe. I then began to sit back and welcome the trip. I looked outside and saw everything turning colors very rapidly. I heard what I later figured was a guide helping me through the trip. Everything was starting to turn into unfamiliar objects as they melted and turned psychodelic colors. I tried to listen to the guide but could not make out was it was saying. Then everything started to flash back to normal as if reality was slowly coming back. I managed to step out of my car and started walking around. I was able to speak again as reality started to fully come back. I waited a while to start driving again and tried to tell my buddy what I saw and heard but my memory of specific details started to fade. What I wrote down hear is all I can really remember.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 56929
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 31, 2018Views: 990
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