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When Did My Legs Get This Long?
Citation:   This Guy. "When Did My Legs Get This Long?: An Experience with LSD (exp56963)". Jun 19, 2020.

T+ 0:00
1 tablet oral LSD (blotter / tab)
  T+ 1:00 1 tablet oral LSD (blotter / tab)
To begin with, I am always willing to try new experiences, and when the opportunity arises I usually partake. I had tried mushrooms a few times, mescaline once and pot way too much. I also got to finally meet LSD 6 months previous to this experience. It was a relatively small dose (one hit), yet I still had an amazing time. I had two other opportunities to dabble in this marvelous psychedelic realm and both of those were about the same intensity-wise as the first. Thus I felt the need, with a newfound dealer, to partake in a truly psychedelic experience.

You see, the first three times I tried LSD I had low effects. There was slight wall breathing, and if I stared at patterns I would see *something* happening, but I could never place it. Of course the sound of music was divine to my ears and I could introspect much more intensely and productively than I normally would be able to, but through these experiences I was always hoping for the classic trip. By this I mean synaesthesia, ego-death and rebirth, and VISUALS. Well, I didn't quite get this nice tidy package with my latest trip, but I feel it was very helpful both spiritually and as it relates to my life.

I acquired two hits of blotter acid (white and thick, kind of like construction paper with no sign of a design), and wondered whether I should eat both at the same time. I decide that, because I had never eaten acid from this batch, I should test drive it with one hit, and see how it goes from there. By the way, it is possible that the actual amount of LSD present can differ drastically between batches, so testing out a hit is probably a good idea.

Well, one hour after taking it, I am noticing threshold effects. Acid usually kicks in pretty well by this time for me, so I figure I should eat the other one. I do so, and notice that there are rushes of energy going up my spine, and my teeth start to clench ever so slightly on the piece of paper I am in the process of chewing. I realize that the second hit, which was noticeably larger than the first, will kick this trip into something I have never experienced before.

I really have no idea about the times that anything happened during the *majority of the* peak, so I'll just say that this part of the trip lasted for about five hours. I spent most of this time contemplated the ultimate beauty that is music and trying to flesh out the details for a short film (I am a Film Student). By the way, 'Shpongle' and 'Air' are ambient electronic groups, a style great for tripping out to.

For those interested in tripping, I also did spend a lot of time trying to figure out how to describe tripping to one who has never experienced it. I think that tripping basically makes one aware of almost all possible stimuli from the environment. For example, if I look at a cement wall when I'm sober I just see a pitted wall with lines. On Acid I might see *every single* hole in the wall at the same time. Now add every possible other stimulus: taste, touch, smell, and hearing. This is tripping. It sounds chaotic, and it is, but I soon learned that I can focus on certain aspects and decrease my awareness of others until I am comfortable.

Anyways, on to the main point of this painfully long-winded report. I decide to go get dinner with some friends in my dorm about 6 hours after ingesting the acid. I had come down a great deal from the peak and I thought that I was comfortable enough to act normal in a crowded cafeteria. Oh, and did I mention that I never told any of them that I was tripping, and had no inclination to do so? (I'm not sure why I didn't want to tell them, but they had no idea I used acid, so that's most likely the reason).

Well, I thought I could handle myself. It's just a little afterglow I'm experiencing right now, right? Apparently not. About five minutes after sitting down, I realize that I can't quite tell how big my tray is. I'm still tripping?! I start losing it, I thought this was the part where I come down! I try not to laugh at every little thing, and almost succeed, until I break out into loud and noticeable laughter over a friendly argument occurring between two of my friends. I find two other friends laughing with me so I do not feel like I am drawing all the attention to myself...but I decide I should leave, and everyone else is done so they get up to follow. I stand up, and the tiled floor ahead of me expands exponentially. I take what seems to be a gargantuan step and move a couple inches. I quickly remember how to walk in the psychedelic realm, and proceed back to my dorm room to spend the rest of the night remembering what it's like to be normal.

The point of this report is that I wasn't fully prepared to trip in the setting of a crowded area or with my company. If I wasn't at least somewhat experienced with psychedelic drugs, I probably would have panicked in the cafeteria, causing quite an unwanted scene. So, all I have to say is this showed how important it is to really pay attention to set and setting.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 56963
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 19, 2020Views: 736
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LSD (2) : General (1), Difficult Experiences (5), Various (28)

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