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Absinthe in the South of France
Citation:   Redwood. "Absinthe in the South of France: An Experience with Absinthe (exp5701)". Jun 22, 2001.

1 shot oral Absinthe (liquid)
I've read several of the descriptions of absinthe experience in the experience vault and saw none that match mine. I was on vacation in France a few years ago when I was 18. At this time I was a regular pot smoker and had also tried and enjoyed acid and ecstasy. The trip was with my family so, alas I could not bring pot with me as my family is not 'enlightened'. This is to establish my experience with psychoactives. I had been in London for a week and then I went to the sleepy little french town of Praeux. The people we were staying with had the chateau of the town, which created an amazing country ambiance.

One day I go outside and my host, his son and some friends are lounging on the back terrace drinking a cloudy green drink. I had heard about absinthe and my mind raced as I had heard that it was no longer available in France. I couldn't help but ask 'whats that your drinking?' Pierre, my host explained that when they bought their chateau there was a wine cellar that came with it. They had found on one of the racks about half a dozen bottles of absinthe produced by Pernod. He then poured me a shot, filled the rest of the glass with water, but NO sugar.

I drank it slowly, while we all talked about the weather, french politics. I slowly became aware that I was completely relaxed, things felt more vibrant, but the air felt cooler and I was more aware of the things I was seeing. I remember walking around for about an hour after that experiencing a feeling of well being, not unlike a small hit of pot. As I explained earlier I was an experienced drug taker and did not think it felt completely like marijuana. I just felt like I was in a slightly different more relaxing place. It ended up being the best time I had in France, experiencing the simple and extraordinary beauty of the countryside. I still have not managed to find it again, but I will always remember the beauty of absinthe.

Exp Year: 1997ExpID: 5701
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 22, 2001Views: 24,513
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Absinthe (4) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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