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Prepared, but Not Quite Worth It
Citation:   CarpeNoctem. "Prepared, but Not Quite Worth It: An Experience with Diphenhydramine (exp57108)". Feb 3, 2021.

20 mg oral Pharms - Citalopram (daily)
  300 mg oral Pharms - Bupropion (daily)
  325 mg oral Diphenhydramine  
  4 cups oral Coffee  

over previous 24hr:
20mg Citalopram (Celexa)
300mg buPROPion (100mg/8hr x3 Wellbutrin)

325mg Diphenhydramine HCl

Chronological Summary:

2006-11-01 1215 EST
(ZeroHr) Imbibe 1L of Dihydrous Monoxide
Swallow 325mg of Diphenhydramine HCl (DHM)
+0020 Consumption complete. commence notation.
+0035 Start making coffee.
+0100 Senses slightly off.
+0115 starting to experience a more vivid memory of my past than I ever do. (I have a bad memory already.)
+0100 Stare at a wall - assemble the blob.
+0120 Short-term memory decreasing. Off balance. Depth perception slightly off when I stare at something.
+0125 Cotton-mouth, getting tired.
+0145 Odd feeling - getting ADHD back - good thing I took my pills, I suppose it kicked in.
+0155 Shoot, I feel a little sick and nauseoous. Oh shoot, I nust got the shocks.
+0205 Snap! once or twice. Aud. Hallucination?
+0315 Go to sleep.
+1530 Wake up to finish analysis and summary.

Long Version:

It's half past noon. I've been up for a while now, as 5pm will make it 24 hours with 10 hours of work to start off my day. I know the 325mg of DHM is going to kick my ass, so I ought to arm myself.

1235 I've downed one canteen of water, am pissing clear, and have another ready to go sitting next to my kick ass caffeine-molecule mug waiting for the 4 cups or so of coffee to make it happy. I'm planning on spending the whole time in my room so as not to alarm any of my family members. I've got these nifty contacts that are colored a darker shade of green than my original DNA-manufactured color that, to me, aren't necessarily for aesthetic purposes, but to cover up whatever dilation my pupils decide to be. Not to mention a little sample bottle of Visine. I'm set.

1305 Now it's time to start cleaning up my room expedient military field-day style. I don't want to hurt myself physically or mentally with such the chaos of clutter.

1315 I can feel my senses becoming slightly off. It seems just like when I stayed up past 36 hours previously, whereas my mind will drift into a song, thought, or just into my imagination and then suddenly snap back to reality or, better yet, instantly come to a fully alert and awake state.

1320 The dissociated feeling increases with a rather detached balloon head like on those freakin commercials. I'm also relieved of any stress and feel a bit euphoric and relaxed - sort of like when I've popped a couple Vicodin (hydrocodone).

1330 I'm starting to acquire a more vivid olfactory, auditory, and visual memory.
1330 I'm starting to acquire a more vivid olfactory, auditory, and visual memory.
Ah! I saw a microsecond flash of movement out of the corner of my eye. Staring at a wall, I can see more of those, as well as the infamous very translucent, but clear oil-stain-esque blob assemble, shift and wiggle, and come out of the wall toward me until I change what I'm looking at.

1340 I'm a bit off balance like the beginning of a drunken stupor. The coffee tastes much worse than when I made it. Once again, with the senses. I hope that coffee kicks in soon enough that I won't have to get any more sleepy (starting now). Depth perception slightly off. I'm having vivid auditory memories from work popping up in my head clearly now. I shouldn't have worked 20 hours in a day. Hands a little shakey. Starting to get cotton-mouth.

1355 Starting to get antsy like every few seconds, I tickle inside.

1400 Not too bad anymore - just feel really relaxed and slightly dissociated. My short term is really shot. Damn, I have to piss... ok, much better now.

+1410 Just got one of those shocks that I had before while on DMH. It's like my brain acts as a capacitor and discharges into my body randomly. ha! Was that an auditory hallucination. The coffee tastes absolutely revolting now.

1435 All is the same except I had only one or two auditory 'lahhucinations.'

1445 Well, I suppose it isn't getting better than this... I don't want my parents to know I took the DHM for myself.

1500 Forget it, I'm going to bed.

1530 Go to sleep.


0345 Wake up, wash face, brush teeth, drink some water.


My mouth is all dried out and nasty-like. I pissed for just about a minute straight. I feel well rested and back 100% to baseline. Working third shift is really kind of odd to me. Once I think I have my schedule figured out, it gets all messed up and I have to recalibrate it. Whatever, I'll get it back. There's a ringing in my ears. Damn, my stream of consciousness jumps around quite a bit. I need to take my ADD medicine.

How do I feel about this particular experiment? Well, I've re-affirmed that it's just really not worth it for me. Some people like it, but I like the feeling of a kind of baseline, down-to-earth, mental homeostasis much better than the detached dissociated euphoria that drugs like these bring. I mean, it's a really great feeling at certain points of the trip, but at what cost? To me, it just lasts too long, and the side-effects are quite bizarre. I kind of wanted to hallucinate visually (something that I really haven't done before), but my tolerance to just about any mind-altering substance seems to be a bit high for someone of my stature. But, then again, I have a really high metabolism and the psychotropics I'm taking by prescription probably reduce the effect of some drugs (while it enhances alcohol by fighting for the same enzyme to break it down in the liver from what I understand). So that's it for me.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 57108
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 3, 2021Views: 973
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