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Try Smoking
Citation:   Lizard King. "Try Smoking: An Experience with Tobacco (exp5711)". Erowid.org. Jan 18, 2002. erowid.org/exp/5711

  smoked Tobacco
I'm writting this for two reasons 1) There's no tobacco experiences on here 2) I think that there are some misconceptions about smoking.

The first time I tried smoking I was 15. I had heard stories from parents and teachers about how if i tried smoking i would get sick, throw up and hate it. I always figured this seemed reasonable, considering you're inhaling smoke and chemicals into your lungs. But one day I decided i had to see for myself. I stole a cigarette from my father who smokes about two packs a day.

One day when my parents were out I went outside and light up. I took a few puffs in my mouth to ease into it. Then I inhaled. As i felt the smoke go down into my chest I thought all the warnings about how smoking would get me sick should have been heeded but i didnt get sick. I inhaled again and felt the smoke creep into my lungs but it wasn't a bad feeling, so I smoked the rest of the cigarette. Afterward I felt good. Not high or anything, just a good mood.

I have smoked many times since then but I remain unaddicted. And I think thats the correct application of nicotine and tabacco products. Use them in moderation when you want to relaxe or ease up and it can be a rewarding, relatively harmless experience.

I hope this can help anyone who plans on trying smoking and would like to know what to expect.

Exp Year: 1999ExpID: 5711
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 18, 2002Views: 36,608
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Tobacco (47) : Not Applicable (38), First Times (2)

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