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Wake Up Time
Citation:   Myavt. "Wake Up Time: An Experience with DHEA (exp57223)". Mar 12, 2007.

  repeated oral DHEA
I researched this drug, which I experience as at least as powerful as any antidepressant I've taken (and there have been many), on several medical sites. All of those sites indicated to me that I should BEGIN with 5mg and ease up to 25- 50mg.

They did mention 'superdosing' at hundreds of mgs, but stated it was extremely dangerous. I was not about to go there.

I have taken DHEA for about a year. I took it once, felt great, but came off it to see if Metformin would work better (in terms of reducing body fat). Immediately I crashed and burned by way of mood and energy. About a week after being off it, I slept for 3 days straight, not having even started the Metformin.

I went back on a whole 25mg--to work upwards from there. Again IMMEDIATELY I felt energetic, hyper, clear minded, like going out and doing things--almost hypomanic. Also I HAVE been able to lose weight while on DHEA, and dieting/exercising like mad, when for years my weight had been 'stuck' no matter how little I ate.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 57223
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 12, 2007Views: 24,053
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DHEA (171) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Various (28)

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