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The World is Spinnin And I Think I Want To Fly
Crack (Freebase Cocaine)
Citation:   Too bad of a habit. "The World is Spinnin And I Think I Want To Fly: An Experience with Crack (Freebase Cocaine) (exp57354)". Nov 30, 2017.

  repeated smoked Crack (powder / crystals)
I must say with all the drugs I have done, this one was quite an experience.

I'm an avid drug user with cocaine (my drug of choice), ecstacy, heroin, ketamine, and all the bunch. Mainly, cocaine stole my heart. My experience with smoking crack was with a friend of mine, B.

Now B has been using crack for a few years. It all started when I was with my boyfriend and we were walking down the street at 3 am looking for a place to stay because my house was locked and I lost the key. So I called B up and he said he had a place for us to stay but it was a crack house. I didn't care about that, I just wanted some sleep.

So when me and my boyfriend arrived at this house we sat in the living room. It was about 5 am by then when everyone wanted to get high, however my boyfriend wanted to go to sleep. So me and B got in the car and dropped my boyfriend off at a friends because I had to go back and get my purse at the house.

On the way me and B were looking to find some coke but were out of luck. Everybody who was selling it was out until the afternoon. B said he knew where to get some crack so I figured at least it would be something to get a good buzz.

We ended up getting a $50 rock and parked in the parking lot somewhere secluded. I took off a big piece of the rock, I mean hey if I'm going to experience this shit I wanted to do it right. I put my rock in the pipe, took a blast..... HOLY SHIT.

Everything started spinning, my mind had left my body. I thought I could fly. This was totally different than doing coke, crack acted more as a deppressant. I felt so calm and everything was so warm. My mouth was numb, my body was numb. The only side-effect was that whenever I tried to cough I couldn't because my throat was so numb. I took another blast.... everything seemed so spaced out like the world stretched farther into the sky and I was floating amongst the ground.

Me and B walked through the woods. B was getting a little paranoid by now, thinking that cops were searching his car. I didn't want him to kill my buzz so I told him that I didn't see anyone in the car. Blast after blast, Jesus my mind was racing. My heart was beating so fast against my chest and everything around my was spinning rapidly and I couldn't capture the image of my surroundings in one glance without the image shifting.

Though this experience was interesting, it's definitely not something I would want to do all the time. I already had a bad coke habit, and I certainly didn't need anything else. To anyone who isn't experienced with stimulants or narcotics, I forwarn you. The experience was sensational, but I see why it's so addicting.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 57354
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 30, 2017Views: 4,675
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Crack (82) : First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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