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Walking Straighter and Taller Than Ever
Citation:   jroll. "Walking Straighter and Taller Than Ever: An Experience with MDMA (exp57478)". Erowid.org. Oct 25, 2018. erowid.org/exp/57478

1 tablet oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
Rolling Balls

So, me and my 2 best friends decided to try some E. After asking around for acid tabs for about a month, we came across a kid that didnt have acid, but E instead. He offered to get us some and we agreed, cause we were shit bored.

So we got the pills around 4 pm on a saturday. We all met up and took the pills by 5. As soon as I took the pill, I got anxious and jittery waiting for the effects.

After about 20 minutes, my friend A and I started to feel the effects. I felt a little euphoria and lightness, almost like cannibis-high. However, my other friend R didnt feel anything.

We all decided to go for a walk. The temperature outside was agreeable so we werent freezing cold or anything. We began to walk and A and I started to feel the effects pretty quick after that.

I walked maybe twenty feet before I felt like half of my weight was erased. I developed a sharp spring in my step, and my vision was floaty and slightly blurred when I looked around, however my eyesight was sharper.

It wasnt long before I realized that everything felt so damn weird. I stuck my hand in my pocket to look at my phone, and it felt like twice its size. My phone felt like the God of phones, it just felt so cool, I cant explain it. Soon we were rubbing our hands together, touching out hair and face, I could feel my face exactly the way it looks, with so much detail. I touched my nose and looked at it in a different way, and ill never look at it the same again. My penis and balls also felt amazing, like a pornstar's.

So we decided to walk to the highschool. On the way, we talked and laughed, the whole way. The bond between us tightened so much in that 5 minutes. I was in the best mood I'd ever been in, and I knew there was no way I could say a mean word to anyone at that moment, because I felt like I loved everything and everyone around me.

Walking was amazing. I discovered myself walking straighter and taller than ever. I was relaxed and flowing and everything just felt so natural.

We got to the school, and got bored really quick and left. We ended up at a park nearby, this was where we discovered the true fun of E.

We got to the park and A's ex girlfriend came to hang out with us. I remember giving her a friendly hug and it was the best hug that I've ever gotten. I felt like I was drowning in her touch.

There was a baseball field in the park. We decided to go for a jog.

I hopped the fence into the outfield and realized how high I could jump, and how fast I was. I ran around the outfield for a few minutes. I felt like I was just floating really fast, hovering above the ground. I couldnt even tell that I still had legs, I was so god damn fast. Everything passed me by as if I were traveling 100 mph. When I jumped, I felt like I had just jumped on the moon, and the gravity was lessened. I seemed to jump 3 times higher than normal.

We soon left the park, got into A's ex girlfriend's car, and she drove us home.

When the car began to accelerate, I felt like my eyes stayed in the same place, and only my body moved with the car. Then I felt like my eyes and body launched forward. It was like being on a rollercoaster.

We ended up back at R's house and by this time, I had come down alot, and wasnt rolling balls anymore. It was about 8 oclock and I went and had dinner with my dad. We had amazing conversations that probably wouldnt have happened if I were strait.

Later on, we tried to get more E. We were willing to go out at 1 AM to get it if we had to. But instead we had to wait till the next day.

Overall this experience was great. I did E again 3 times more that week. I felt brain dead in school all week, it really fried my brain.

R didnt start to feel his effects until A and I came down. This was because he had eaten alot beforehand. This happened to me in one of my instances as well.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 57478
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 25, 2018Views: 809
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MDMA (3) : General (1), First Times (2), Glowing Experiences (4), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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