There Were Some Kind of Flying Purple Things
Citation:   Diprosopus. "There Were Some Kind of Flying Purple Things: An Experience with Zolpidem (exp57481)". Sep 14, 2018.

T+ 0:00
15 mg oral Pharms - Zolpidem (pill / tablet)
  T+ 0:30 15 mg oral Pharms - Zolpidem (pill / tablet)
  T+ 0:00   oral Tobacco  
interesting experience with ambien

So I was quite bored and exhausted from my first week of being on the swim team. Anyway, I was bored with nothing to do. It was only about 6:00 but my mom was in bed and it's just the two of us here so I went online to find something fun to do. I knew she took lunesta and I'd previously taken it in a dose of about 9mg hoping for some recreational effects but it ended up just putting me to sleep. Now it's about a week later and I was rummaging through the medicine cabinet and I found several 10mg Ambien pills. I grabbed 3 and went online, read some reports and decided to cut one in half and take 15mg. After about half an hour I felt it a bit, slightly intoxicated and feeling good. I'd eaten some pizza around 6 and took the pills around 630 and I figured the food had deminished their effects so I took the other pill and a half making for a total of 30mg of ambien in my system. Maybe another 10 minutes later I got some very strange feelings and then started to hallucinate. They were NOT visual hallucinations in the sense that things were talking to me or running around in front of me, at least not at first. However when I was engaging in activities such as getting a sip of soda from the fridge I would imagine a purple plant sitting on the door of the fridge telling me I shouldn't drink the milk. I checked the date of expiration and it was just past or on the same day but I wanted soda anyway. That event happened maybe 3 times in which I stumbled for the fridge to get a sip of soda and ended up being told not to drink the milk by a purple plant. It was amusing.

The next part came when I was talking to people on the computer and it seemed to take on a wierd texture. As I leaned left or right different windows would appear to be stacked on top of each other (as they were) but in a 3 dimensional way. I had a hard time typing because this leaning and viewing the 3 dimensional screen became very amusing, as I could seemingly make text I was reading flex into certain shapes and pull them out toward me. I could then(in my mind) crawl under them, though there was no physical feeling to it, just a fun little mindgame. Also, my keyboard became a sort of garden, vines growing in between keys and little people with brick houses living on the keys, and my fingers were some sort of stone, however this hallucination only remained in my peripheral vision. Also, there were some kind of flying purple things on the computer screen and peripheral vision. I tried to sober myself up and get the message of what I was typing across and I did manage to but my grip was very loose and from there I eventually just resumed stumbling around ejoying the feelings of physical euphoria.

I then proceded to take a dip of grizzly smokeless tobacco to combine the small buzz I usually gain from it and the relaxation. For some reason my mind imagined the dip as a spaceship of some sort goign on an expedition of my mouth and I could hear the 'captain' talking about his journey. At the same time, while putting in the dip I got the sensation that it was some sort of competition with a crowd cheering as I put in a little bit more. I went back downstairs to the sink and spit the same sick golden brown color I've seen a million times with some stray pieces of dip in the spit, and for some reason it just amazed me. I was focusing on how amazing the spit was. Now that I'm sober I have no idea what it was that intrigued me so much, but it was a good feeling. Then the buzz from the dip came on and I felt amazing. Intoxicated, happy, full on body buzz and just a feeling I never wanted to be rid of. But eventually it did wear off and I flushed my dip down the toilet and I became very slightly queezy. This went away after maybe 15 minutes, I stood up feeling sober, went to the computer and wrote this. I also feel very tired, hence why I've stopped fixing my grammatical errors.

I don't smoke pot often(maybe every month or two) and I'm not big on drugs, haven't even tried most of them but this was a very fun experience which I will try to recreate tomorrow night. Ambien was far more interesting than I expected, truly dreaming while awake. The things that stand out the most were how drunk I felt and the shifting forms of the text on the computer screen. It's 9:50pm right now, just about 3 hours after taking the 2nd dose and I feel completely sober aside from a slight drowsiness which had been there before these events.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 57481
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 14, 2018Views: 939
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Pharms - Zolpidem (143) : General (1), First Times (2), Alone (16)

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