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Citation:   AuraithX. "Learning: An Experience with MDPV (exp57549)". Apr 18, 2007.

7.5 mg insufflated MDPV
I noted the peak to be about 2hrs 30 minutes and the total duration about 4 hours.

Snorted 7.5mg

T +15min
feeling the onset now. I was clear-headed, energetic, and a lot more focused than I usually was. I decided to take this opportunity to do my English homework, to my amazement I was actually enjoying doing it whereas usually I find myself making every little excuse to get out of it but in contrast I was actually putting off other things for my English.

T + 1hr
The first hour flew by as I was doing my homework, at around the T +1hr mark I felt to feel a bit depressed because I wasn't able to do two things at once, I basically felt like I was underachieving for some odd-reason,or like I was coming-down.

T+1hr 20min
the peak had stabilized and I felt good again. I started to suck the roof of my mouth like I do on coke or MDA

T + 1hr 45min
I started to notice some euphoria which could be best compared to a cocaine buzz. I found myself taking those deep, pleasurable breaths and often lying back on my bed and just enjoying the fluttering in my chest.

T + 2hr 45min
The cocaine feeling has started to subside and continuously sucking the roof of my mouth is starting to annoy me.

T + 3hr
The peak is basically over. I am slowly losing the desire again to do any school work but start on my Computing Homework to make the most of what's left.

T + 4hr
back to base. feeling very hungry 'cause I have barely eaten all day. and tired.

Overall, This was very useful as a study aid but I also noticed some euphoric sensation which I wasn't expecting reading other reports.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 57549
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 18, 2007Views: 19,174
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MDPV (377) : Alone (16), General (1)

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