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I Can't Even Comprehend
Citation:   Jacob Van Lennepkade. "I Can't Even Comprehend: An Experience with Cannabis (exp57554)". Erowid.org. Mar 18, 2018. erowid.org/exp/57554

.5 bowls smoked Cannabis (plant material)
My brother and I had gone over to one of his friends house to hang out and check out his plants that he was growing. After a while he asked if we wanted to test some of it out, my brother declined and I said OK. Now I had been smoking pretty much all summer and had a lofty tolerance. After we smoked a bowl of it I was feeling great, my face was tingling and felt very light. About 10min past and I was suddenly overwhelmed by a surge of panic, like being on a roller coaster right before you drop. I was unnaturally frightened by this feeling and started to see grey diamond shaped patterns appear in my peripheral vision. This might have truly been the most inconceivable pot I have ever smoked, I’ve never tripped so hard off of just one bowl. I had sat there for what felt like hours dreading every thought and picture that popped into my head. By the time we left it was dark out and I was aware of this disgusting feeling having arrived there with the sun still out and not noticing the transitional change of the day. We then drove to a restaurant I also began to think about my life and how it was going to end, about how there are an endless number of different possibilities. Then I began to think about size and distance, the universe and what not. This is all very hard for me to put into words for you all reading to understand. This experience, one could say was a spiritual awaking for me. It was one of the things a person only gets to feel once, such a genuine and rare feeling one truly wouldn’t be able to remember how it really felt even though oneself was there.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 57554
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 18, 2018Views: 777
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Cannabis (1) : General (1), Mystical Experiences (9), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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