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Buprenorphine with Naloxone
by kiz
Citation:   kiz. "Maintenance: An Experience with Buprenorphine with Naloxone (exp57793)". Oct 18, 2007.

4.0 mg sublingual Pharms - Buprenorphine (pill / tablet)
I have been addicted to opiates since around 2003. It started out, like most opiate addictions, with eating vicodin and percocet. For about two years my tolerance remained almost nill and I could even eat only 5mg of hydrocodone and be high. However, with time and increased frequency of use, my tolerance sky rocketed. I started using OxyContin, dilaudid, and methadone. In January of '06, tired of the sickness and infrequency of availability, I started on methadone.

The methadone clinic was a horrible place. At my clinic there is no requirement for twelve-step meetings or any counseling. I was given drug tests but when I tested positive for opiates or other substances they didn't do anything about it. The intake process was as follows: I went into the clinic at around 5:30am after making an appointment with the doctor about two days previous. I went in sick from withdrawal. The doctor examined me and determined that I was in withdrawal and they proceeded to dose me with 30mg of liquid methadone, which did little to abate my sickness. Then they took a psycho-social evaluation and my use history, as well as introduced me to my 'counselor.' Then they took my $50 initial fee and sent me on my way. I was on methadone for about seven months. In that time I was also abusing other drugs and had no real desire to get 'clean,' I just didn't want to be opiate dependent anymore. It made me lethargic and somewhat depressed.

After finally going to an in-patient facility for twenty-eight days I kicked methadone (which is a bitch!) and got totally clean. About three months after leaving the facility I was put on Suboxone for my cravings. This did more for me in two weeks than all seven months I was on methadone. Suboxone isn't an average opiate. First of all, there is no 'rush.' Even on methadone, at least for a while, I get a high after I take my dose. Suboxone was way more mellow.

I usually take my first dose (2mg, sublingual) at about 6am. It takes about an hour to an hour and a half for me to notice it coming on. It's more of a stoned feeling than anything else, not the speedy high I get from OxyContin/Methadone. The first thing I noticed is a relaxation of my muscles.

From there it takes about 2-3 hours for the full effects to hit me. Once it sets in, I experience a lift in my mood. I usually eat breakfast once the initial dose takes effect. Cigarettes start sounding more appealing and my desire to use opiates is nullified. A lot of the effects are similar to normal opiates. I usually get kinda itchy and hot, as well as a little woozy. About four hours after dosing the full effects are reached and I'm able to go about my day normal and happy. For the first few days I got headaches and insomnia, two normal side effects of Suboxone.

Since being prescribed, I have been clean. I have no desire to do any drugs and have been going to counseling and AA/NA meetings. It has done wonders for me, completely eliminating any opiate cravings I used to get. It seems to have little to no recreational value, but is a very useful tool for addiction recovery.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 57793
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 18, 2007Views: 11,765
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Pharms - Buprenorphine (265), Naloxone (339) : Not Applicable (38), Medical Use (47)

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