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Reality Torn from One’s Mind and Body
Citation:   Elements. "Reality Torn from One’s Mind and Body: An Experience with LSD & DPT (exp57931)". Jan 16, 2007.

T+ 0:00
2 hits oral LSD  
  T+ 2:00 75 mg insufflated DPT (powder / crystals)
I began my first DPT adventure after having already ingested two hits of acid. Three of my closest friends and I had been house sitting an elderly hippie’s house for the weekend, and decided to end it with a night of LSD. After about two hours we were all just mildly feeling the affects when we decided to try some DPT.

E laid out the fine white powder on the kitchen counter. “Start out small?” F asked. “Sure, let’s see where it takes us” E replied.

One line each, the first thing I experienced was the drip. Nasty, plastic tasting glue in the back of my throat. “Not feeling it?” E questioned. “Not yet” I answered. “Well let’s try some more…..” F said hesitantly.

So much for starting small. After the second line I began feeling the affects immediately. “How much did we just take?” we all wondered. I looked down at the tiled kitchen floor and watched as the tiles melted in and out of reality. “Strong visuals” I muttered.

E ran to the stereo “I better put in some music quick……this is gonna get rough. We’re all gonna have to ride it out.” Enter the music of the Talking Heads. And so began my night in Dimension X.

Twenty minutes in: E walked into a different room, but I saw his head remain and drift toward me before morphing into indescribable shapes. F began crying out “I’m dying! I’m dying!” When his girlfriend W rushed to comfort him, luckily she had snorted less than the rest of us. F spent the rest of the night cowering before the toilet comforted by W. I suddenly lost sense of where and when I was.

Forty-five minutes in: After experiencing the most intense visuals of my life which included: Alternate worlds, lightning fast rivers of time and space, a sense of oneness with ultimate reality, and looking at E only to see my face on his body. I must now mention that never in my trip did I experience any sense of discomfort as F had, although at times I wondered if any of us would survive the night. The music took control of the flow. Intense auditory hallucinations. Voices. Although I sat in a room alone I heard repeated tracks of E, W, and F in my consciousness. “Am I in heaven,” “I must be schizophrenic,” “I’m dying!,” “Where am I?,” “What is happening?” repeated over and over through my mind always in the voices of my comrades.

One hour in: Suddenly every sensation was stripped from my, no vision, no sounds, no sensations whatsoever. It was as if all reality was stripped from me except the tiny ember that was my consciousness, acting as the only anchor securing me while I drifted in Ultimate Reality. It was during this time that I had the most meaningful experiences, and outlooks on my perception of reality. The spiritual sensation of a tryptomine was alive again, similar to mushrooms only much stronger. I continued floating in primordial bliss, in what felt like the birth of the universe for what seemed like years, although looking back it could have been anything from 5 minutes to an hour.

The last 2.5 hours: A slow and steady comedown. Slowly I returned to reality, although I continually asked W “Where am I? What’s happening?” until I realized that I was under the influence of a powerful drug I had forgotten taking. When we all stabilized we laid down exhausted from the experience and concluded that we all would like to try it again, in lower doses.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 57931
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 16, 2007Views: 8,235
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DPT (21), LSD (2) : Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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