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A Touch of Sleep
Diphenhydramine (Benadryl)
Citation:   imruu. "A Touch of Sleep: An Experience with Diphenhydramine (Benadryl) (exp5808)". Feb 4, 2002.

8 tablets oral Diphenhydramine (pill / tablet)
Drug: Benedryl (diphenhydramine)
Dose: 4 regular pills and 4 “dye-free” pills.
Time: A month or so ago, ingestion began at 12:50am
Place: The most comfortable place I know, my room.

The Trip:

After doing some pretty intense reading, I decided to glance into the old medicine cabinet, where I found some Benedryl. I was actually looking for Dramamine, but according to the Marezine-Dramamine website, these are inherently the same, and the trip reports were pretty much equal. So I got 8 pills, not a heave dose, but it’s what I wanted to start with.

At 12:50am I ingested all 8 pills with water within the period of a minute. I drank approximately 16oz of water. I ate 3 hours earlier, and at the time I was not hungry. I also ate a piece of bread, because it’s just something I do whenever I take any drug.

After this I got my cd’s and everything I needed for the trip ready and got my laptop on got onto my bed. At this time it was 1:13, and I wasn’t feeling anything.

At around 1:22 I felt “something” this is most likely anxiety though, since this is the first time I took diphenhydramine.

2 minutes later at 1:24 I feel some slight head pressure, like a sinus buildup, whether this is from the drug or just me, I’m not really sure.

1:32 I notice the walls are slightly breathing…though again I cant really tell if this is my imagination or a drug starting to take effects.

1:39 – I got REALLY tired, the quote from my log was.. “shit I’m tiiired, must fight. head kinda hurts...must fight tiredness”

1:52 – I put some music on and tried to relax with my eyes opened, which was quite hard because at this time all I wanted to do was go to sleep. I start to feel some slight euphoria, and the head pressure went away.

2:00 – Around not I start to notice some slight Open Eye Visuals. I see some colors when I move my eyes looking into darkness. Kinda the same effect I get on DXM. I was also not nearly as tired, just kinda drowsy.

2:02- This is where it really began. I had my headphones on, and I was talking to my friend online. Suddenly I start to hear some rather LOUD talking through my headphones. This slightly freaked me out for a min, cause I didn’t know what it was. Then I quickly regained my composure.

After this everything is a little sketchy. From what I remember is seeing the most realistic visual in my life. I remember rolling over and looking towards window. (I also remember being VERY heavy at the time), and when I looked over I saw this…thing. It was kinda blobish shaped. It was quite beautiful actually, had no symmetry at all. Looked a little like the predator did, but had a slight purplish hint to it. As I tried to figure out what it was, it began to move. It moved towards me quite slowly, but at a steady pace. Finally it was right next to my hand, then I reached out to touch it….and woke up 9 hours later. I guess the drowsiness turned into sleep ;)

After trip:

After I woke up I was feeling heavy and hungover. The same feeling I get from sleeping pill induced sleep. I kinda lay there for awhile…thinking. For the rest of the day I felt odd, not all mentally, and physically there was something different about my sense of touch…I cant really describe it.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 5808
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 4, 2002Views: 35,203
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Diphenhydramine (109) : First Times (2), Alone (16)

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