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The 18 Hour Trip
DXM, Alcohol, Cannabis, Ephedrine
Citation:   the ninja. "The 18 Hour Trip: An Experience with DXM, Alcohol, Cannabis, Ephedrine (exp5811)". Feb 4, 2002.

T+ 0:00
  smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  T+ 1:30 540 mg oral DXM (liquid)
  T+ 0:59 3 glasses oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine (liquid)
  T+ 4:00 90 mg oral DXM (liquid)
  T+ 4:30 40 mg oral Ephedrine (pill / tablet)
Before I begin, I want to state that I am an advanced DXM user. To all the novices out there, don't try this at home.

My friend 'Y' and I decided we were going to do some DXM. A fun, recreational dose, 6 ounces of Maximum Strength Robitussin Cough (which for us and our tolerances, puts us at the 2nd plateau). Well, the rest of the night held something entirely different in store for me.

The Quest Begins:
At 7pm, my friends and I were smoking pot at someone's house and we were getting pretty stoned. The owner of the house was boiling some isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol for some reason and the place reeked of it. But it only added to the stoning effect of the pot. I was pretty calm but eagerly anticipating drinking some beer and my Robitussin.

At 8:30pm, 'Y' and I started in on the Robitussin. I managed to get mine down in about 30 minutes while 'Y' could only get 4 ounces down and then an hour later he threw up. We were watching Spaceballs and Ready to Rumble, both comedies.

At about 10pm or so I began to go into the 3rd plateau. It was just like my previous 3rd plateau experiences. The minutes seemed like days, but I was able to get the room totally upside down! I was so happy. Ever since the NIN concert at Madison Square Garden last year I had been trying to get the room entirely upside down (I would have got the entire Garden upside down if NIN didn't all of a sudden play 'March of the Pigs' and totally fuck up my concentration!!).

At 11pm I found the rest of the cough syrup that 'Y' couldn't finish and asked if I could have some. He agreed and I drank about one ounce, so that makes 7 ounces so far. At this point I had drank 3 beers and smoked a little bit of pot. I went into the bathroom to take a piss. I shut the door and pissed like normal and then I noticed the light switch was OFF! Yet I could see perfectly!! Holy shit, I had NIGHT VISION!! I quickly ran out and told my friends about my newfound superpowers.

At 11:30pm I decided to take two pills of Xenadrine diet pills, each of which contains 20mg of ephedrine. It was on a whim, I feeling pretty good at this point.

At 12:30am, my friends leave and I am all alone and that is when the REAL fun began. I lied in bed expecting to fall asleep because it felt like I was coming down from the 3rd plateau. But actually, I was going up to 4th plateau! I was NOT expecting this. Holy shit!

I tried to write down as much as could while I was tripping but some of my handwriting so shaky I can't even read it but this is the summary of my only 4th plateau experience.

First, there was my overhead light in my bedroom. It began to spin and took on the form of a pinwheel. I stared at it for an eternity and for a little bit it looked like it was a cocoon from the movie Aliens and it began to spit out little objects. But I knew it was friendly and I congratulated it on its power. It then turned into even more of a pinwheel and then a vortex in my ceiling. It asked for my energy, which I gave. As the vortex took my energy, I could actually FEEL the pull on my body as if I was getting sucked into the vortex. Then the vortex turned back into the pinwheel and offered me energy. Bands of different colors of light spread along the ceiling, the walls and then across my body. I could actually FEEL the colors hit my body and increase my energy. I would need that energy for the encounters ahead.

If I explained everything I saw, this report would take 100 pages. Throughout the night, I had all the lights off for the part. One time my living room was an Irish pub and my entertainment center turned into this moss-covered ape that tried to sell me something. I was chased by a snake until I turned the light on and I heard people off and on trying to open the door to my apartment until I found a silver snake of my own and sent it to kill the would-be intruders. That silver snake kicked ass! Another time it snowing in my living room. I found myself talking to elves and all sorts of crazy shit.

One thing I did learn that night is that on DXM, I had some control over what I saw. At times that night I could even hallucinate at will. I could make the walls and ceiling bend just by thinking about it. A big green wave wanted to splash me while I was laying on the couch but I told it to go away and it wimpered and slowly backed off.

Another I learned that night is that combining drugs can have unexpected side effects. At 7am I was still tripping my balls off. I was amazed, the DXM should have worn off a long time ago. I saw little green symbols float past my eyes like what I saw in the Matrix. I knew then my brain was out of gas and it was time to call it a night. However, I had a bunch of tencho music stuck in my head and my heart began to beat faster to match the tempo of Paul van Dyk. Fuck, I wasn't going to sleep for a while. I began to get a headache, the backs of my eyes hurt (I couldn't read anything), my jaws hurt. A couple of hours later most of my major muscle groups felt cramped. And I was still tripping my ass off!

I didn't really start to panic until about noon. I took a shower, which felt weird and the heat from the water intensified my headached and my eyes felt like they were going to burst out of my skull. After the shower, I felt so tired... so very tired... I laid in bed and felt totally relaxed, as if I was in the afterglow of ecstasy. Then the questions started. Why am I still tripping? Will this headache ever go away? What if my eyes stay this way? I began to think about the old wives' tale about the guy who took LSD and went on a permanent trip. What if the same was going to happen to me? What the hell would my parents think? Or my girlfriend? I felt defeated.

I called my friends over from last night and they were amazed that I was still messed up. At about 3pm I finally began to feel normal but I still had the head and eye pains. I ate a bowl of cereal and drank a couple of beers and then went to sleep for 16 hours.

When I woke up, I was fine except for a mild headache. Despite the fact that my trip was totally awesome, it was more than I bargained for I don't plan on repeating it anytime soon.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 5811
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 4, 2002Views: 25,883
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DXM (22), Ephedrine (23) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Combinations (3)

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