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Weird and Confusing Night
by sam
Citation:   sam. "Weird and Confusing Night: An Experience with LSD (exp58147)". Nov 12, 2018.

200 mg oral MDMA  
  1 tablet oral LSD (blotter / tab)
At the time of my experience I had been experimenting with hard drugs for about one month but so far had only taken ecstasy and cocaine. On this night me and a few of my friends had planned to buy some mdma and have a fucked uo night. The person who supplied the mdma did not have the ammount that we requested however but we bought what he had which was 0.6 grams. I dropped 0.2 grams of the mdma and thoroughly enjoyed myself for a few hours.

My friend, who had taken lsd before, informed me that he could get some if I wanted to do it. We headed off to get the acid and once we got it I dropped a tab.

Once we had returned to my friends house I began to trip pictures and people in the room swirling in mad patterns this was amazing. For me, LSD the affects can last for hours and eventually after destroying pumpkins, laying against a wall, eating mass amounts of sweets and pulling endless toots the acid began to get very boring and eventually I wish it away.

Soon after this me and my friends decided to try and sleep I remember trying to watch the film the devil's rejects but becoming confused every few seconds as to what was a trip and what wasn't. I layed down and tried to sleep and all that I can remember where two red lights dashing around the ceiling and seeing a young girl running towards me with a hand full of flowers. There was nothing but white and she began to hit me with the flowers. I then awoke and in a very confused state sat up and questioned my friend as to 'what the fuck we did the night before. His answer was one that I will never forget 'I don't know but for some reason I'm wearing a bra.'

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 58147
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 12, 2018Views: 787
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LSD (2) : General (1), Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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