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Plugging With a Plunger
Citation:   Chowder69. "Plugging With a Plunger: An Experience with MDMA (exp58192)". Mar 16, 2018.

1 tablet rectal MDMA (liquid)
    smoked Cannabis (plant material)
Plugging The 'E'

Being no stranger to the wonderful world of esctasy, I finally did what had been suggested. I ground up 1 pill. Put it in a Plunger (the kind you put medicine in when your child is sick) Sucked in a little water, mixed the mixture up. Put a little lube on the back door, carefully inserting the syringe about 2-3 inches in, and plunge. I only added about 3ccs of water. This is approx. 9pm

Normally, e takes about 1 hour for me to start feeling it.

9:30pm starting to feel the come up. 10pm had 1 mixed alcoholic beverage.

10:15pm wow - Much more intense than I'm used to. 11:30pm Another Drink Please! Feeling Great! I have downed 2 bottles of water by this time.

Feeling awesome until the club closes at1:30pm. Head home, some a little weed and go to bed at 3am
All in all, I will do it this way again! very clean, no mess and wow, it was like taking 2 pills orally!

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 58192
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 16, 2018Views: 1,706
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MDMA (3) : General (1), Club / Bar (25)

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