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Fun Cube
LSD & Cannabis
by Edll
Citation:   Edll. "Fun Cube: An Experience with LSD & Cannabis (exp58233)". Sep 18, 2009.

T+ 0:00
2 hits oral LSD (blotter / tab)
  T+ 4:30   smoked Cannabis (plant material)
I had experianced LSD quite a few times before and after this, but I have to say this was my best experiance.

630| Pretty late to drop acid, but I had work all day, so I got together with my friend, and we dropped it in my room. We stuck around for about 20 mins, and then started our adventure.

Little After 7| As we were walking through the woods, we got into a deep conversation. 'God couldn’t always be there, he had to appear sometime, it doesn’t make sence!' 'What about that time before he was there, what was everything, was there anything?' ect ect ect

720ish| We got to the woods behind my school, this is when we started to REALLY feel it. We were walking down a deep hill and I saw some of my friends. Not knowing what to say, I just said 'I’m trippin balls.' As we walked down the trail, there were millions of fern starting to grow. When they start, their just stems curled up at the top. Looking at these, it looked like magic mushrooms were growing everywhere, millions of them. We found a spot to sit down at, I ended up laying down though, watching the leaves change colors. We tried smoking weed, but it didn’t do anything due to the fact that we were tripping so hard. We listened to music, Octavarium on acid is amazing.

8| We started to go back towards the school. Walking down this extremly long straight trail covered with trees was amaaazing. The trail kept bending back and forth, and we had a hard time walking. We went walking around on the field and climbed a baseball cage to stare at sunset watching the most amazing colors I have ever seen. It sucked climbing back down - though the sunset was incredible. The clouds were wiggling back and forth violently and I saw more colors then I could ever imagine.

830| At my school we have a huge obstical corse, which is about 30 feet high. Seeing as its this high, they need metal wires to keep it in place. There are 6 in all. As we were walking past it, it looked like there were millions of wires, trying to avoid it was pretty hard, I smacked into all of them. As we were passing the woods, I kept telling my friend there were some assholes in the woods staring at us. He wanted to let it go but I wanted to see what was up. So I ran at them, staring the entire time. Out of no where, they were trees. yeah.... there were no people, the trees looked like people walking back and forth.

930| At the tennis courts at my school, or our 'Fun Cube,' We took of our shoes and ran around for a wile. Then we realized we could jump up and down and bounce on the tennis nets. That was great, until police rolled up and asked what we were doing. Panicing, I said we were waiting for our parents to pick us up from the game (there was a lacrosse game going on on one of the other fields). Thank god, they left and we went back to the school building.

10| We stared at the stars for half an hour. It was amazing. Millions of stars everywhere, all twinkling, and all different colors. We star gazed and it was one of the best things I have ever seen.

11| It's a good thing we stole chalk from some house on the way, cause we drew the trippiest most amazing pictures all over the school. We could not stop laughing at everything we were comming up with. Then, my friend came and picked us up.

11| At this point we picked up someone else, and went to go smoke somewhere. We parked in an apartment complex and smoked a few bowls wile listening to some fucking weird hypnotist talking about sex and hypnotising people. The weed made the trip better, and we called them up, but they said hypnotising someone on lsd completely defeats the purpose. So after a wile we dropped everyone off and my friend let us off at my house.

1230| We start to draw these insane pictures. Pictures with incredible detail. Which ever way you turn it, up, down, left, right, theres a different picture. Their insane. We drew these untill about 5 in the morning. To this day, we will try to draw them sober, its not possible. We also went online looking at trippy pictures and watching them morph and change colors.

2| Not much signifigance, but one of the funniest things ever. I poked my eyeball, and it made an incredibly loud squishing noise. With my finger still poking my eye, I turn to my friend. When I take it out, it makes this sealing up noise. We laughed for about half an hour.

6| We were trying to go to sleep, but ended up talking about astronomy, god, religion, time travel, the space time continum, all that shit. By 7 30 am we passed out.

In all, since then I have had a much better positive perspective on life. I literally started doing good in school. My friend, who had been unemployed for a very long time, got a job the next day. We don’t take lsd to get FUCKED UP we take it for a more of a spiritual reason, we love the experiance. What it does to our minds, how we can think of such amazing things. How we are so stimulated, how our subconscious is its own person.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 58233
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 18, 2009Views: 4,520
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LSD (2) : General (1), Glowing Experiences (4), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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