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A 'Legal High' That Actually Did Something
Citation:   maynbrain. "A 'Legal High' That Actually Did Something: An Experience with Kratom (exp58316)". Dec 24, 2006.

1.0 g oral Kratom (extract - 10x)
I must say that I was pleasantly surprised at the potency of this wonderful plant. I decided to order 4 grams of '10x' extract from an online shop just to see what the effects would be like.

I was on an empty stomach and so decided to try it out at a low dosage of 1 gram. The packaging claimed that it would be active at 2 grams, and would yield 'strong effects' at 4g. I had heard of its bitter taste, but decided to tough it out. I simply mixed the powder with a coffee cup full of water and drank it quickly. The taste was bitter, but not unbearable. I'd suggest mixing it with any regular beverage of choice. Would probably go well with fruit juice or iced tea.

After about 20 minutes of drinking the liquid, I began to feel as if I had taken an opioid-based painkiller. As time went on, the effect got more and more pleasant. There was no 'speedy' sensation at the beginning, as most users have reported, but this is only my first time with this drug. As of this writing I am still feeling a strong sedative effect, very similar to that of a heavy Vicodin dose. The only negative effect I am experiencing is itchiness.

All in all, I must say that of all the legal psychoactives I have tried, this one is by far the most enjoyable, and seems to be one of the precious few that does anything at all. I highly recommend this to anyone who enjoys opium-related highs.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 58316
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 24, 2006Views: 42,243
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