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The Omnipresent Lure
Citation:   the other guy. "The Omnipresent Lure: An Experience with Heroin (exp58375)". Sep 15, 2017.

Hello every body,

I am eager to tell you my view-quest-battle with the brown. As I am from europe where the brown smelly-dirty heroin dominates the street markets in various towns. Where I live, a bigger town in continental europe, you don't have to know some fucked up stupid-bored looser kids or old drug veterans to find the stuff. You buy it in some roads and subway lines from ...

Yeah anyways, I was always a pretty curious kid, set in this world to learn about all the possibilities out there and therefore I also bought my ticket for the drug-to-drug train.

The first times with that stuff - I never injected - were not that whoa I flying to the sun and back trips, it was an chilly ok experience. In an other report someone talks about 'you fall in love with that stuff' which is in my case very true. Furthermore you don't have to be a dirty scumbag (river phoenix) or some depressed guy to get involved in it.

As time went on I began to like it more and more, only to avoid physical addiction by limiting myself. But in the last months a was using at least 3 times a week, max 6. In those three years from the first snort to that almost surrender to addiction lifestyle I had some longer breaks from it, also some serious but short-lasting depressive episodes, but I always returned to that pseudo controlled usage fooling myself with being in control of it.

To get myself out of the aforementioned plunge into almost daily use, I had to remove myself from the city the get of from it - resulting in that obvious depressions, tiredness - one time I slept 30 hrs without eat-drink-purge just me and my nightmares. But it was still easy to shake off after 5-7 days the head is clear the depressions died down and the good spirits replenished. AND that's my problem with it, as long as it never really destroyed me, I could always go back to the one ball (the stuff is sold in balls consisting of the notorious bag of brown wrapped in toilet paper and sealed in plastic for the dealers to keep it in their mouths) or two can't hurt until I am down in the gutter.

...and they said heroin isn't popular anymore...


Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 58375
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 15, 2017Views: 1,684
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Heroin (27) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Addiction & Habituation (10), Not Applicable (38)

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