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Compulsive Nature
Citation:   Supercharged. "Compulsive Nature: An Experience with Methylone (exp58453)". Erowid.org. Jan 8, 2007. erowid.org/exp/58453

T+ 0:00
200 mg IV Methylone (liquid)
  T+ 0:25 250 mg IV Methylone (liquid)
  T+ 0:40 250 mg IV Methylone (liquid)
  T+ 1:00 50 mg IV Methylone (liquid)
  T+ 0:00   repeated IV Methylone  
Aquired 1000mg of Methylone (bk-MDMA) previous experiments with this compound promoted a friendly euphoria, so this time I will inject 1000mg in the space of 5 hours. Obtained 1cc syringes , filters, swabs and a spoon.

T+ 0 hours.. Prepare 200mg of Methylone, dissolve in sterile water and filter accordingly. Methylone dissolves very well in water and I can saturate a solution which appears a shade of yellow. I mainline solution into middle arm.. the time to blast off has arrived !

T+ 5 seconds.. Solution has entered bloodstream, I am dizzy and lightheaded, this feeling is replaced by intense euphoria and rapid heartbeat.

T+ 1 minute.. I am laying on the sofa, I am aware of the intoxication and I am into it. This is intense exactly like MDMA but with more speed like effects.

T+ 20 minutes.. Much of the euphoria has subsided and I am left with the feeling of energy and alertness. I prepare another syringe for injection.

T+ 25 minutes.. I prepare a solution in syringe of 250mg Methylone, repeat injection again the feeling of dizziness returns and is replaced by intense euphoria once again. I am complete once again. Now I remember why I do this, this is totally awesome, this is what life is all about ! I am there..... bliss !

T+ 40 minutes.. Again I prepare 250mg solution of Methylone. This compound is addictive. I am chasing that intense feeling I found with the first couple of injections. Seems to me that the feeling has diminished slightly and an urge to inject more repeats itself.

T+ 1hour.. It's time to inject again. This time I divide the 300mg into approx 50mg doses. I can make this substance last if i want but the urge is still there. I use the remaining 300mg in the space of a few hours with not the same type of intensity that was exhibited with the first few trials. The compulsive nature of this compound presents a problem, it's just too damn nice ! If I had 5 grams I think it would be gone within a few days.

Conclusion :

Methylone acts like MDMA in all respects when injected, the only downfall is that reinforced injections have to be maintained in order to fully substitute that unique feeling I have with injecting MDMA. On the positive, I did not have any harsh comedown as with MDMA, even after 1 week no real side effects presented themselves. I would like to compare this compound with a trail of bk-MBDB when I have the chance. Until then safe injecting !

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 58453
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 8, 2007Views: 17,989
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