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Lost Time and the Group Mind
MDMA & Cannabis
Citation:   Dave the Red. "Lost Time and the Group Mind: An Experience with MDMA & Cannabis (exp58479)". Jul 26, 2010.

200 mg oral MDMA (capsule)
I was visiting Toronto from London, Ontario over the Christmas holidays. I brought some MDMA in powder form that I measured into 0.1g portions and put into gel capsules. I've always found pure MDMA to be much better than any kind of ecstasy pill that I would buy off a random dealer. This experience only enforces my opinions on it.

The first night I arrived, I was with my friend Tamas and his friend Kirsten who I have met on other trips to Toronto. It was Tamas's first time experiencing any form of ecstasy or MDMA, so he only took 0.1g. Kirstin had done enough normal ecstasy pills to know the x-perience, but never pure MDMA, so she did 0.2g. I also took 0.2g.

We smoked some bud on Kirstin's back porch while we waited for it to kick in, and slowly the MDMA became apparent. It hit Kirstin first, and she was *thouroughly* impressed by it. Tamas wasn't sure if he felt it for a while, but finally he picked up his bass guitar and started plucking and strumming away. Somewhere around this time I began to feel it.

I'm quite sure that Tamas's bass playing initiated his onset, because he started telling us about how much better he was playing than he ever could before. He said it felt as though his fingers were nimble and his music was fluid. When we asked him if he was feeling it now, he said, 'Yes.' At this point we all sat back and listened to Tamas play.

Now at this point, I will have to explain things in a bit of an odd way because of what occurred. It may sound strange, but we suddenly snapped back to our senses. Kirsten and Tamas were very confused as to what had just happened. The lights were off, and at least an hour had passed in seemingly no time at all. I knew immediately that we had meditated, because I had practiced meditation before, but never with a group or to this depth. I explained to the other two what had happened and they were still in awe.

After confering about our meditation experience, we concluded that the time had not simply been lost. We could actually remember the whole thing, but at the time we had not taken any notice to what we were doing. I can recall carrying on spoken conversation with the others, although there is no recollection as to what was said at any point. Tamas, although in meditation as well, continued playing his bass guitar up until the time when the meditation ended. Kirsten watched Tamas the whole time.

Now, MDMA had never caused me to have any visuals before, but nearing the very end of the meditation I remember feeling as though my eyes had opened and when I looked up there was no more ceiling, only a sky full of stars. The three of us were sitting below the stars, just as if we were in the room. I felt as though we had taken a journey through our meditation and finally arrived there, at a higher level of conciousness where a moment was as good as eternity.

The next day, all three of us could still feel a very distinct glow of warmth and comfort. At times it would seem to fade away, but it always came back, perhaps slightly diminished each time, until all was normal again. It was much better than any crappy sketch out I had ever had.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 58479
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 26, 2010Views: 6,202
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MDMA (3) : Mystical Experiences (9), General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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