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I Was Given New Hope
Citation:   Mrz. Mike G. "I Was Given New Hope: An Experience with MDMA (exp58498)". Sep 18, 2019.

2 glasses oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine (liquid)
  1 tablet oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
XTC Revalations

As a resident of the city of New Orleans, I have had more than my share of mind-altering substances. I also just 2 months ago just was able to return home due to the devastation my city faced. I suffered PTS after the storm and frequently found myself depressed over everything I know gone. My whole life literally gone in a flash all my possessions, gone. Friends family an entire community gone. After I found myself always lamenting the past, wanting it back, more or less trying to find a way to get it back. The country doesn’t realize what we went through and are still going through. Progress is so minimal and help is so hard to get.

I have been experimenting with the substance MDMA for about 5 years now. This particular experience begins when a good friend came to New Orleans to visit. I love when my old friends visit because since Hurricane Katrina things are so different. We did not prep for our MDMA adventure, we were out at a couple of bars, I had already had two beers and we just happened to get a phone call. When I saw our prize I was so excited, it has been years since I saw pills that looked like this. It was double stacked red fish with what appeared to be chunks of shiny crystal embedded into the pill. To make sure someone didn’t just roll the pill in glitter I cut it in half and noticed the inside was the same. My friend who is a true veteran with MDMA was the firs to take them, he ingested 1 ½. Before I knew it his pupils were huge and it had been years since I saw feeling so little so intensely.

I took my first one and anxiously awaited. After about fifteen minutes I began to feel a dreamlike warmth wrapping around my body. The onset began slowly and gradually like I was being lifted up and the world around my slowly became more open and brighter. After about ten minutes my stomach became a little queasy but I didn’t feel as if I was going to throw up. It felt like a little ball in my stomach but then felt as if it was expanding throughout my body, but as it spread it went from a queasy feeling to a rushing tingling sensation it moved out and then up in a rush throughout my face and it felt as though it moved all the way to the tip of my hip length hair. It had been a long time since I had felt a rush so clean and pure but at the same time intense. It was a perfect moment. I opened my huge eyes and saw my home for the first time in this frame of mind since Hurricane Katrina. I felt a beautiful sense of certainty and completion looking around and seeing my home even though progress is still minimal. And for the first time I saw good in the devastation I survived. I thought about how we had no money, no home and FEMA would not aid us, but I thought of everything we accomplished since then. For the first time in over a year I didn’t fell bitter about what happened to me I was happy about it. One of the worst things that could ever happen to someone happened to me its over and I survived…I’m still picking up the pieces but I realized God wouldn’t have taken me this far just to let me fall.

I thought rolling with my old friends would bring back what I had, but instead it did so much more for me. My experience gave me hope for the first time since my life was taken away from me. It didn’t just change my perspective for that one night, I try not to think about my old life anymore, I just plan what I’m going to do with my new life.

Thank You for the Opportunity readers,

MRZ Mike G

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 58498
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 18, 2019Views: 576
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MDMA (3) : General (1), Glowing Experiences (4), Depression (15), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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