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A Very Exciting New Years
Alcohol - Hard & Cannabis
Citation:   Hucal. "A Very Exciting New Years: An Experience with Alcohol - Hard & Cannabis (exp58513)". Dec 23, 2019.

  repeated smoked Cannabis (plant material)
    repeated oral Alcohol - Hard (liquid)
It was the 31st of 2006, and there was going to be a party going on that I had been looking forward to all week before.

I knew there was going to be alcohol there but it was going to be my first time drunk, although I have smoked salvia and cannabis many times before, as well as popping dxm and diphenhydramine.

My mindset was so-so. I was excited and happy because I knew there would be a lot of alcohol and a few girls wanted to hook up with me. But I was also in a bad mood due to an ex trying to make me jealous that I had just broken up with a month or so before.

I was with two of my friends (let's call them J and B). We head over to the party at about 6:30 PM. we are there early, and so far there are only about 2 or 3 guys, and 7 or so females. About 20 or 30 more people would show up during the course of the party.

Since we are there so early, and the people picking up the alcohol had not delivered yet, B suggested we go roll a joint around the block. J and I agree, and we walk about a block or so and pathetically resort to using a receipt to rolling one. It wasn’t bad, and we had about 1/3rd of the 30 sack we picked up. I’m not sure how many hits I had on the first joint.

By the time we are finished, we decide to go back to the party early, at about 7 even though they told us to come back at 8:30. It was not very high quality weed but I was definitely feeling the effects of it. Vividness, giggling, all the usual of being high.

It was a good thing we got there early, as about 30 – 40 minutes later of talking the alcohol people arrived. The host wanted the several people there to wait for the other couple dozen people to get there to start drinking what we had (Captain Morgan and Smirnoff ice), but no one listened and we opened the vodka first.

The only other time id ever tried alcohol before was very brief, and not that much, not enough so that I was actually drunk. I had a little peppermint schnapps and that’s all I’ve ever had before. What was about to happen would completely change me forever, and it’s only been two days, and I am still reeling from this experience.

The shot glasses that were there were double the size of normal. I started taking shots of the Smirnoff at 8:02, and most people told me that it (vodka) has no taste, but there was an odd taste I felt. I don’t know if it was due to being high or not, because when I started drinking the rum about half an hour later, it tasted exactly the same.

So anyways, I get down about 4 or so shots of the vodka. I don’t really remember what happened in between, but about half an hour later we opened the Captain Morgan. I had 4 or so shots of that as well, and since they are double shot glasses, I had about 16 actual shots. (I do not in fact remember any of this, I am just going off of what other people have told me about what I consumed. I don’t remember if I snuck any shots when people weren’t looking. So I might have in fact had more than 16)

So it’s about 8:30 and I can tell I am definitely drunk. Not only am I a lightweight, I am shorter than most guys my age. First thing I notice is that things seemed to be slower than usual. Not only is my speech slurred and my coordination off, time seems to be slower yes faster at the same time. I don’t know how to explain it any better. I was much more sociable and when I thought of something, I had to say it out loud.

(At this point I don’t remember much, or in the order in which they occurred, but I will list them off)

At one point during the party, I fell down and hit my head on the armrest of a couch. When I hit the armrest, my neck and skull made an audible cracking sound. Apparently the only person that saw me fall was B and he though I passed out (maybe I did for a few seconds, I don’t know), so he came up to me to make sure I was okay. I got up and I felt fine. I didn’t feel any pain.

A very drunk girl that I was very attracted to, lets call her C, came up to me giggling very much. She had to warm me before the party that she was a slutty drunk and I was before warned by her best friend that she might like me, so I knew this was coming. I don’t know what compelled me to do this, but I licked the side of her face to see what happened and as soon as I did that she kissed me. We made out several times for the rest of the night although I felt bad because B liked her. I believe she made out with him once though so good for him.

I asked two other girls to make out with me, which I felt bad about the next day. One girl had a boyfriend so she couldn’t although she wasn’t mad as she was drunk and understood, as she knew I was crossfaded. The other girl was C’s best friend, we’ll call her K, and she didn’t do it because she knew C liked me. And I tried pressuring her so I felt bad. But she didn’t care as she was drunk as well.

A friend of mine that was a girl made out with some guy she met a few seconds before on a staircase. I don’t know what compelled me to, but I laughed very hard at this. They walked up the staircase to go into a room at which the host of the party told them they aren’t allowed to have sex. A few minutes later they came back down the stairs, and the guy fell down them and he passed out. Again I laughed very much.

At about 9:30 to 10, the host of the party comes running from down stairs, yelling at everyone to get out of the house. Now, there were no parents at the party, but she said that her mother’s friend was coming to check up on the house, so we all had to bail. All 30 to 40 people start getting out of the house. I still have no idea what’s really going on at this point, I’m just following J and B. I stumble out of the house and I need them to hold me up so I can walk. We get in a car with some other people I know because everyone’s trying to get out of there as fast as they can, but other people need to get in the car so we’re kicked out.

By now I’m guessing it’s about 10 PM. Two hours till the ball drops. B is still high, but not drunk because he didn’t drink. Both J and I are crossfaded, but he had no where close to the amount I had. I’m feeling kind of ill, I knew by this time I had too much. I tried to keep my vision focused on a street light out side but it kept spinning around and around. I had to lay down.

B was waiting for word back from the host to see when we could go back to the party, and I couldn’t even hold my cell phone incase she called mine, so I let him have it. It fell to the ground and I couldn’t pick it up when I pulled it out of my pocket.

J and B had the longest conversation about something but my attention span was gone. Alls I could do was lay on the cement, 10 o’ clock at night, in the middle of the street. I had a very big urge to go pee, but I couldn’t get up, so I pulled it out of my pants and just went in the middle of the street. I am amazed I did this… Alcohol is one hell of a drug.

Either J or B suggested we smoke some more, so we rolled another joint out of a page in a magazine. They weren’t going to give me one, but I begged, and J agreed to give me one hit, but I had more than that. Then a few minutes later we ran into a few more people we knew, and we rolled another one and finished off the rest of the 30 sack.

It seemed like 5 minutes, but it had actually been an hour, and B said that the host called back and said they got busted and we should just head home. Slightly disappointed, we had to. J and B helped me up and it took us a good hour to get back to my house, where they stayed the night.

I woke up and had somewhat of a hangover…. At least what I imagine one would be, since I had never had one. I had a nauseous feeling the whole day and when I woke up in the morning I had a massive headache.

Overall I think it was a very positive experience that sounds fun to try again, but I also will not underestimate it to the point where I cannot function again.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 58513
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 23, 2019Views: 759
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Cannabis (1), Alcohol - Hard (198) : First Times (2), Combinations (3), Hangover / Days After (46), Large Party (54)

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