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Something Missing
Citation:   Jelal. "Something Missing: An Experience with 2C-B (exp5858)". Mar 24, 2001.

23 mg oral 2C-B (pill / tablet)
WHAT: The Legendary 2-CB
HOW MUCH: ~22-24mg
TO WHOM: Myself
WHEN: A wet Sunday afternoon, slightly romantic and melancholy in nature...
WHERE: The Maryland suburbs north of our nation's capitol.
OVERALL MOOD: Thought-provoking, but nothing extraordinary.

My previous experience with bees was with 15mg, and at that level I felt only a hint that my mind was manifesting itself any more than usual. In fact, I wasn't even fully aware I was 'drugged' for about two hours or so. This was to be expected, as that evening's experience was set aside to experience only threshold effects. As I fell asleep that evening, I knew that my next experience would be with a higher dose. Keeping in mind the bees' 2mg 'steep dose response curve,' I decided that perhaps eighteen would do on my next attempt. Incidentally, this mirrors my first and second blotter acid experiences. The third one was an overwhelming journey, so maybe my third foray with bees shall be similar.

Finally, after a few months, with only marijuana experiences to speak of, I had an opportune time to experiment a little further. For some reason, I decided that even twenty would not do me well that day, so I took four-and-a-half little white pills, which at 5mg per, should have made the dose moderately high. My guide for the day took me out driving through the countryside, and as I waited for the drug's manifestation we listened to a Bill Hicks CD, the one on which he rants about dinosaurs in The Bible and a 'prankster God.' There's not much to this trip report, as you'll see.

I finally realized I was very 'stoned' an hour or so after administering the drug. It quickly became apparent that there were disturbances in my visual field. I closed my eyes, but nothing was visible beyond the ordinary 'darkness.' In my mind's eye I started looking at myself from outside the vehicle I was in. Then I examined myself from multitudes of angles. I became very tense for a moment when I felt that I might actually slip out of my body (a new feeling for me), and I opened my eyes abruptly, ending that little reverie. I was very in touch with my body-state, and indeed, just touching myself felt uncommonly nice. Stretching scared me, as it was almost too pleasant, and I was afraid I'd stretch too far and hurt myself without realizing it (not a very likely scenario). My friend and I had many conversations that afternoon, and my mind wandered off into many different cognitive realms. Still, there is something missing. I was almost expecting to be overwhelmed, as I had upped the dose from my last experience by at least 6mg.

Perhaps I'm a 2-CB hardhead. Based on the PIHKAL reports, my experience was highly atypical for the dose level. Of course, I'm a bigger guy, so perhaps I should be using more, in relation to my body weight. Perhaps this dose was the equivalent of a 15mg dose for someone of average build (I consume *way* too much sugar). Perhaps the drug has deteriorated slightly. Here's what I do know: next time, I shall be upping the ante even further, in search of a worthwhile experience. Perhaps 30-35mgs. Any less and I won't have enough left for a subsequent journey. Thoughts?

THE BEST SENTENCE EVER WRITTEN... 'What better image for the DNA-based biosphere than Ronin, the cosmic anaconda of the Shipibo-Conibo?'

Exp Year: 1998ExpID: 5858
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 24, 2001Views: 10,188
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2C-B (52) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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