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Euphoria, Enlightenment, Changing My Life
Citation:   TheHefe. "Euphoria, Enlightenment, Changing My Life: An Experience with MDMA (exp58762)". Sep 3, 2020.

1 tablet oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
I had always wanted to roll before. My friends would talk about it all the time, and how amazing it is. So I naturally got interested.
I talked to some friends, told them I was gonna roll with them someday, My friend gets me a pill (Louie Vatton) and I wait until Friday night.

Friday night rolls around and I go over to my friend J's house. we are just sitting around in his room, relaxing and stuff. He says You ready to roll? I said yeah, and we both swallow our pills. I was told to wait about 30-45 min before anything kicked in.

30-45 min rolls around, and I still dont feel anything, I kinda am a bit discouraged. I kept thinking 'why isnt anything happening? Did I get a bunk pill or what?'

J and E whip out their guitars and start playing. H comes and sits next to me. I start looking all around his room just looking at the colors and such. I started staring at his lime green wall and then it just hit me like a train. I was rolling. I didn't notice it but I had this HUGE smile on my face, and I was content with my life.

J and E start playing some amazing acoustic guitar songs, I absolutely LOVE it, Kept giving them suggestions. After one of their songs I felt like I fell into hell for a bit, Because I didn't drink any water yet. So I walked down stairs, feeling his carpet all the way down with my bare feet, I remember the carpet feeling amazing.

I come back upstairs with two cups of water in them. I sit down and All these thoughts just hit me. I start thinking about government structure (I was at that time a Conservative). I asked H for a pad of paper and a pen, And I just go to town writing all these thoughts that had entered my brain. All while J and E were playing Guitar.

J brought up some toast for us to eat, and some milk for me.
I downed the milk and ate the toast, and at that point I was just relaxing and enjoying the moments I had. I hadn't been touched yet, so H ran her hands against a window and then rubbed my cheeks with it, I will tell you what, that is absolutely the best feeling in the world.

All of us started talking about Government and Life and such, I remember loving all of my friends so much, I fired off about 5-6 Texts to my friends saying I love them to death.

I started to realize that this will wear off pretty soon, And I remember thinking why cant I stay in this euphoria?

It was at that point I made a truce with myself to only do X periodically. So I could enjoy the feelings of being 'enlightened'

I fell asleep at J's house I dont remember dreaming at all, I dont even really remember closing my eyes, but I opened them again and It was 2 hours later (6:30, the time I normally get up for class). I cursed my Biological clock. Then J took me home and I slept for two hours later.

I went into work about 18 hours later, and I simply had a blast at work, I dont remember enjoying work that much ever.

The next days were probably the best days of my life. I seriously enjoyed all of them, I smiled constantly, I LOVED all of my friends/Classes. And I just felt enlightened. I ended up changing my Political 'class' from Far Right, to a Liberal.

I still feel amazing bonds with J,E, and H to this day.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 58762
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 3, 2020Views: 724
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MDMA (3) : First Times (2), Glowing Experiences (4), Hangover / Days After (46), Various (28)

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